Greg Boyd

What’s Open & What’s Not
Category: General
Here’s a question someone e-mailed me a few days ago. People ask various versions of this question quite often, so I’m blogging my answer just in case any of you out there in cyberspace are…

It’s a Wonderful Life
Category: General
Hi folks, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Mine was simply outstanding. Nothing extra-ordinarily spectacular happened. It’s just that our family and friends were all together – which, in my world, makes…

Movie Review: The Pursuit of Happyness
Category: General
The Pursuit of Happyness: **** This one yanked my heart out. It’s one of those great “against-all-odds” movies where you (at some points) have to spend quite a bit of energy to keep from crying….

Reflections on a Christmas Holiday
Category: General
Few things capture the spirit of Christmas better than a traditional nativity scene for many people. The star shines down on the serene baby Jesus, sleeping in a nice little manger with golden straw spilling…

God’s Motherly Affection
Category: General
The last several days Shelley (my wife) and I have been in Fargo, North Dakota, visiting our oldest daughter (Denay), her husband (Heighlos) and their super-adorable eight-month-old son (Soel). We ate, talked, watched movies, shopped…

More Movie Reviews
Category: General
A Good Year: ** I was with some friends in DC last week at the AAR conference (I’ll blog later on the conference) and in our spare time we wanted to see the grand opening…

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Category: General
Driving along the highway in my ’99 Mitsubishi, I’ve got the radio cranked up as I beat my rearview mirror with my drumstick. (I always drum and drive). One of my favorite 80’s songs plays…

Movie Review Time
Category: General
I enjoy going to (or renting) movies with my wife, kids and friends. In fact, I happen to be the [self-appointed] world’s foremost expert on the theological/ philosophical dimension of movies. So, I thought I…

On and on and on
Category: General
I know. I know. I really stink at this blogging thing. It’s been over two weeks with nothing posted. For those who have been checking in, I sincerely apologize. It’s not that “nothing” has been…

Politics and Faith in South Korea
Category: General
On Wednesday (Oct 25) a documentary team from South Korea came to my church to interview me. What an honor! They are with the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) and are putting a piece together on…

Greg Boyd and Jim Wallis Discuss Politics & Faith
Category: General
On Monday night (Oct 23rd,) Jim Wallis and I had a public dialogue at Bethel University (St. Paul, MN). The topic was, “Politics and Faith: Do They Mix?” The Bethel auditorium seats 1800 and it…

I Ain’t No “Pietist” (well, maybe)
Category: General
Am I a “Pietist”? In a recent review of The Myth of a Christian Nation in Christianity Today, James Smith labels me a “pietist.” Is he right? I want to respond: “absolutely not” as well…

GB meets GW and says “I ain’t no PIETIST!”
Category: General
OKAY OKAY…so this is a cutout of GW we found in in NYC…but, the shout-out stands! Greg wanted me to blog that he has a response coming out Tuesday to the recent article in Christianity…

Everyone’s Got a Prequel
Category: General
My wife and I, along with our friends Greg and Marcia Erickson, just got back from a New York trip. We went out to tape my CBS “Free Speech” segment (still no idea when it…

Pictorial Blog
Category: General
Hi! Marcia Erickson here. I’m a photographer. I’ve been working on a pictorial/artsy/theology book project with Greg and Christus Victor Ministries the last couple years. I’ll be the pictorial blogger here on Greg’s site. I’m…

Upcoming Opportunity
Category: General
Sorry its been more than a week since my last/first/only blog (great first impression Boyd!). I’m trying to think of this blog as a sort of “public journal” and I want to “reflect out loud”…

First Entry
Category: General
Hi Folks! Welcome to the first ever Christus Victor Ministries blog entry. Yeh! (bugles, drums, fanfare, etc.). To be honest, I didn’t know what a “blog” was till about a year ago. I only found…