
Drumming, Openness, Providence and Whatever
Category: General
Tags: Apologetics, Faith
Topics: Open Theism
Here’s one of four arguments I offer in this essay against the view that an omniscient God must by definition know the future exhaustively as a domain of eternally settled facts.

Ten Years Ago
Category: General
I hope all of you welcomed in the new year with family and friends or (if you so chose) enjoyable solitude. My small group along with some of our kids, grandkids and friends had a…

Merry Christmas!
Category: General
I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks also to all who have provided prayer and financial support to this ministry throughout this last year. It’s a honor…

The Scandal Over Global Warming
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Okay, I’m back. Between end of the year church stuff, my obsession with my book Jesus Versus Jehovah, some drama with friends and family, and trying to keep up with the incredible number of orders…

Neue Resources Podcast Part One- 11/30/09
Category: Press
Josh Loveless interviews Greg about the controversy that seems to follow him. They talk about the fallout of a sermon series he did and his book The Myth of a Christian Religion. Click here to…

The Beaming Smile Returns
Category: General
Hi folks, On behalf of Nate and all the family and friends who love him, I want to sincerely thank all of you who purchased (and are continuing to purchase) Nate’s “autistic-artistic creations.” Shelley and…

Introducing “Nate Creates”
Category: General
Hi folks, Normally on this blog I offer theological reflections on various topics or talk about some aspect of my writing or speaking ministry. Today, however, I’d like to introduce to you my precious 23-year-old…

New Article and Book Update
Category: General
Hello folks, As I mentioned in “Latest News” on the Home Page of this website, I just had an article published in Religious Studies. It’s entitled: “Two ancient (and modern) motivations for ascribing exhaustive definite…

The Drew Marshall Show – 10/24/09
Category: Press
Greg answers questions and has too much fun on the Drew Marshall radio program in Canada. Click here to listen.

Two Ancient (and Modern) Motivations for Ascribing Exhaustively Definite Foreknowledge to God
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Open Theism
Topics: Defending the Open View
A historic overview and critical assessment Abstract: The traditional Christian view that God foreknows the future exclusively in terms of what will and will not come to pass is partially rooted in two ancient Hellenistic…

Paul Young and Some Renegade Canadian Pastors
Category: General
Hi folks, Life has been crazy busy. For one thing, our upcoming Ultimate Compassion Conference has added a lot of things on a lot of plates at Woodland Hills Church the last few weeks. I’ve…

Ultimate Compassion Conference
Category: General
Hey folks, Just want to let you know about a conference that will be held at Woodland Hills Church on poverty and the call of God to do something about it. It’s entitled Ultimate Compassion…

Painted Idolatry: “One Nation Under God”
Category: General
Hello blogging friends, Some of you probably have encountered the recent painting, “One Nation Under God.” Artistically speaking, it’s an excellent work. Theologically speaking, it incarnates, in the most graphic form imaginable, the sin of…

Minnesota Christian Chronicle Online – 08/09
Category: Press
An article entitled, “The good news in the decline of American Christianity” was written by Greg for the August edition of the Minnesota Christian Chronicle Online. Click here to read.

Please Consider Partnering With CVM in Helping Tobi
Category: General
Dear friends, I’d like to ask you to join Shelley and myself in raising prayer and financial support to help a remarkable young woman, Tobi Olatoye, to attend a YWAM (Youth With a Mission)…

Did God Send a Tornado to Warn The ELCA?
Category: General
On Wednesday, August 19, five small tornados formed in and around the Twin Cities. Included among the property damage was a broken church steeple. It just so happens that Central Lutheran Church was hosting the…

Rob Bell In Twin Cities and At Woodland Hills
Category: General
Hi Folks, Just an FYI for you who live in or around the Twin Cities. Rob Bell (whom I assume all of you know) is bringing his Drops Like Stars tour to the Twin Cities…

“Hi” From MacKinac Island
Category: General
Hi nice people (and mean ones, though I’m sure most of the people who read my blog are nice, since sound and true theology tends to drive away mean people, right?). Anyway, last week I…