
Shedding Light On “The Dark Side of God”
Category: General
Is it possible to believe that the whole Bible is divinely inspired and yet believe that God never engages in violence? Any one with even a cursory knowledge of the Bible would probably answer this…

An Ancient Philosophical Mistake In The Debate About Open Theism
Category: General
Sometimes little mistakes have big consequences. I think I may have uncovered one such mistake that took place two and a half millennia ago that continues to adversely affect people’s thinking about foreknowledge. First a…

“True Believers” and the Religion of Politics
Category: General
I call them “true believers” (a phrase coined by Eric Hoffer). You see it in their teary eyes, their wide smiles, their intense frowns, their enthusiastic poster-waving. They’ve heard every canned phrase a thousand times…

The Profound Significance of the Insignificant “Right Here”
Category: General
I watched a film with some friends last night entitled The Band’s Visit. It was funny, painful and profound. It’s one of those films that is meant to slowly draw you into an experience rather…

The Audacity of Hope: A Foreigner’s Reflection on Obama’s Speech
Category: General
I’m a citizen of a different empire (Phil 1:27; 3:20) and therefore a foreigner in this one (Heb. 11:13; 1 Pet 1:17; 2:11). I’m only here as an ambassador and soldier sent to defend and…

Newly Discovered Open Theists in Church History
Category: General
Hello bloggers, For the last several decades Thomas and Christine Lukashow have been discovering orthodox Christians from the 17th through the 19th centuries who were open theists and who, so far as I’m aware, no…

A Review of Three Radical Books: Overcoming Evil; Re: Mission & Pagan Christianity
Category: General
While at the Sopron Conference I read a number of interesting books. Here’s a brief review of the three I found most interesting. 1. Stephen Russell: Overcoming Evil God’s Way. I earlier blogged on Russell’s…

Revolting against the powers
Category: General
To live this way is to revolt against everything in our lives, society, government and the world that is inconsistent with the reign of God. To live this way is to revolt against Satan and…

My week with Alan Hirsch
Category: General
One of the people I was most looking forward to meeting in Sopron was Alan Hirsch. (He’s part of the leadership team of Christian Associates International, which sponsored the conference I spoke at last week…

Our Trip to Sopron and Vienna
Category: General
Shelley and I recently returned from a week long conference in Sopron, Hungary. (Thanks Marcia for keeping readers informed on “where in the world” I was.) This was the annual leader’s conference for a missionary…

Where in the world is Greg Boyd?
Category: General
Greg is in Sopron, Hungary, speaking at the annual Christian Associates International Staff Conference, CONNECT 08. He is talking about the Kingdom of God under the title ‘Revolting Beauty.’ Link to these bloggers journaling on…

The Dark Knight — A Philosophical Review
Category: General
Hello Bloggers. Welcome to the new Christus Victor Ministries website! I think you’ll find it easy to use and very informative. I am so blessed to have wonderful friends who put in a lot of…

Pastor Boyd rocks the house!
Category: General
Below is Greg’s drum solo from a few weeks ago at the NDY fundraiser on behalf of Providence Ministries. Tonight, NDY will be performing in Jackson, MN at Rhythm of the River, a two-day music…

A Little Whining and a Book Review (Overcoming Evil God’s Way)
Category: General
Yo folks, Hope you’re all enjoying a grand summer (or, for those in the Southern Hemisphere, a nice winter). I’m having a great time, but I’m also feeling a bit scattered. It’s requiring more effort…

Creach and the Command to “Utterly Destroy”
Category: General
Hello Bloggers, Sorry for the delay in posting, but I was waiting until my new site was ready to launch before writing another post. Unfortunately, it seems something new pops up every day to delay…

Trinity and Process Endorsements
Endorsements: “Trinity and Process is meticulous in detail, fair in attitude and approach, and represents a genuine contribution to the study of process theology. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the ongoing…

Cynic, Sage Endorsements
Endorsements: “Recent years have witnessed several attempts to ‘explain away’ Jesus as …a wandering Cynic sage…..For all who are trying to come to terms with this reconstruction, especially as represented in the well-publicized books by…

God at War Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements: “God at War raises the current discussion of spiritual warfare to a new and unanticipated level of scholarly investigation. I am ecstatic with the integrity with which Gregory Boyd develops his convincing argument for…

Repenting of Religion Endorsements
Endorsements: “Anything but another run-of-the-mill evangelical book, it is radical and revolutionary. It will make readers think critically about some traditional evangelical habits of the heart.” –Roger Olson, George W. Truett Theological Seminary “The local…

God of the Possible Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements: “God of the Possible is a good, simple introduction to the issues and the battle over ‘open theism.’ Boyd consciously wrote this as a pastor for lay people. It is also clear that he…