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A Critique of Eller’s Thesis


…true voice of God in the Bible” — at least to the extent that we all have to try to discern the timeless teaching of the Bible from its cultural packaging. For example, no one today (including those who espouse “inerrancy”) feels compelled to believe that the earth is surrounded…

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Yahweh’s War Against the Nephilim


…the topic of the Nephilim. (My thanks to Michael!) Heiser’s arguments are often complex and nuanced and I obviously can’t begin to do justice to them in a short (or even long) post. So I encourage readers to get his book when it comes out. Though Heiser often relies on…

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Could Old Testament Warriors Have Been Mistaken?


…the Kingdom. (His book Christian Anarchy is a classic!). In his book War and Peace: From Genesis to Revelation (Wipf and Stock, 2003) Eller makes as good a case as I’ve ever seen defending the view that Yahweh did not command the violence of the Holy War tradition. I can’t…

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Huckabee on Amending the Constitution


comprehensive view of marriage. So too, the Bible allows for (and even occasionally commands) slavery, as the good old pre-abolition Christian South was eager to point out to the liberal secularists in the North. Would Huckabee have us amend our constitution to fit this aspect of the book of “God’s…

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The Stillborn God


…of freedom is the result of Enlightenment thinkers like Thomas Hobbes (in his work Leviathan) reacting against the perpetual religious-political violence of the 17th century by completely separating politics from theology. The modern concept of political freedom, in other words, is an inherently secular concept. While some conservative Christians try…

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Are you a pietist?

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book, social transformation was at the center of Jesus’ life and ministry, and yet he never so much as commented on the politics of his day. Jesus lived in politically hot times, and people were constantly trying to get him to throw his weight behind this or that political issue,…

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What is the significance of Revelation 3:5?

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“If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not blot your name out of the book of life…” If God is only the God of certainties, it is not clear how he can honestly speak in conditional terms (“If you conquer…”) and it…

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Isn’t Faith Inherently Irrational?

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…which there is little or no evidence is indeed irrational. So is believing something just because some religious book or church told you to. This way of deciding beliefs leaves the content of what you believe completely up to chance (or fate, or providence – depending on what you happen…

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Cynic Sage or Son of God?

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…you Paul! While Paul and I have recently come out with two more comprehensive books on the topic of the historical Jesus (The Jesus Legend and Lord or Legend?), Cynic Sage or Son of God? is still relevant as one of the few critiques of Crossan and Mack from an…

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Milbanks and the Satan in Nature Hypothesis


…the following quote from an interview of Milbanks concerning the book mentioned above. He says, “I think one thing that I don’t say in Theology and Social Theory very clearly is that I definitely line up with the die-hards who think that death comes into the world after the fall….

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God Does Not Always Get What He Wants

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…to him and receive the life he has to offer. But, even though he is the Son of God, he could not force the people he loves to turn to him. Whether they did so or not was up to them. Examples of God’s grief over the free choices of…

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A Non-Violent Creation

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…was completely free of violence. This point is reiterated in Genesis 2 when the Lord tells Adam he was “free to eat from any tree in the garden” (vs. 16-17, emphasis added) but does not say that Adam was free to eat any of the animals. Even after the fall…

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Be the Change Now

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…collectively manifest what it looks like for humans to be completely free from all of the artificial ranking scales fallen humans impose on one another. When the whole of reality becomes the domain of God’s reign, as it was always intended to be, there will be no more violence, either…

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Part 3: Disarming Flood’s Inadequate Conception of Biblical Authority

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…attitude of first-century Jews toward Scripture is reflected in the ancient rabbinic comment that, “[w]hatever book has been included in the Bible canon must necessarily have been inspired or written by the Holy Spirit (Meg. 7a; Tosef., Yad. ii. 14, cited in “Inspiration,” Jewish Encyclopedia, 12 vols., ed. C. Adler…

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Isn’t it contradictory to say Jesus is “fully God” and “fully human”?

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…with free will, as I do, should have no problem with this notion, for the only way God could give humans free will is by limiting his omnipotence. Creating a world with free agents thus involves a sort of “kenosis” in God. The kenotic Christology simply takes this logic a…

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Part 11 (of 15): The Corruption of Creation

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and the Corruption of Creation Satan’s remarkable stature is also reflected in his power to adversely affect nature, according to certain passages of the NT. For example, in the book of Hebrews Satan is said to hold the power of death (Heb 2:14 cf. Jn 8:44), and in Revelation he’s…

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Part 4 (of 15): Evaluating Peterson’s Faith

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…damaging to individuals and to society? More specifically, were the horrors of the twentieth century the direct result of westerners (allegedly) losing faith in God and in Judeo-Christian values? Which is to ask: Is Peterson’s pragmatic argument for believing in the essential goodness of Being compelling? As a committed Christian,…

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An Argument from the Early Church Fathers


Greetings comrades in the war! I’ve been sharing various arguments defending the S.I.N. hypothesis over the last dozen or so blogs (go back to July 12 to start from the beginning). I come now to my final argument (though I reserve the right to add to these in the future…

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Why the 35W Bridge Collapsed – blog post 8/09/2007

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free agents, the one being you don’t need to blame is God. If, on the other hand, you don’t accept that the cosmos is populated with free agents who can therefore make decisions that are contrary to God’s will, then you have an even greater problem. (This is the camp…

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The Risk of Creation


…love others without also having the capacity to harm them. Potential to choose love requires the potential to choose its opposite. Therefore, our capacity to freely love one another must imply that, to some extent, we have the capacity to freely harm one another. This is the risk. We all…

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