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How do you respond to Matthew 20:17–19?

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…to foreknow from the foundation of the world every decision each of these people would make—together with all the free agents in world history—for him to achieve his objectives. He is wise enough to ensure the success of his plan while working around and through the free agency of people….

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Resignation to Evil: Not an Option

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One lucky guy via Compfight While few Christians would deny that Satan is in some sense the ruler of this world, since it’s so clearly taught in the New Testament, many nevertheless insist that everything Satan and every other free agent does fits into a divine plan that is governing…

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Are you Afraid of Demons?

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…sound biblical response. Despite the fact that Jesus and his disciples certainly believed the world was oppressed with evil forces, they exhibited a complete freedom from fear in regard to such entities. In fact, the fearlessness of the early Christians was one of the chief “selling points” of early Christianity,…

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God’s Dream for the World

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One of the grandest expressions of non-violent nature of God is found in Isaiah 11. Here God is dreaming of a time when his creation would be entirely free of violence. “The wolf will live with the lamb,” Isaiah says, and “the leopard will lie down with the goat.” So…

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Does God Still Heal?

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…This was the general understanding of the church for the first three centuries. In fact, the early church’s ability to free people from physical afflictions and demonic oppression was one of the strongest tools of evangelism. While healers and exorcists were rather common in the ancient world, it was widely…

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Following Jesus Doesn’t Work

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…way of living that is keeping us from true life. When we have truly died, we discover this. To be free from the self that is addicted to the question: What’s in it for me? is to be truly ALIVE and free. It is to enter into the kingdom of…

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Why Doesn’t God Heal When We Ask?

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and wouldn’t be speeding to the pharmacy right now. Now add to this complexity the innumerable decisions made by nonhuman agents throughout history that have influenced human decisions, and you begin to see that there is a virtual infinite and unfathomably complex web of influences that go into explaining why…

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The Bible, Government and Christian Anarchy

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…to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This teaching comes right after the mother of James and John was trying to get Jesus to let her sons sit at a place of privilege and power, right next to Jesus, when the kingdom comes. Jesus used…

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How do you respond to Jeremiah 29:10–11?

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…things unfold, either on a national or on an individual level. The Bible is full of examples of God having plans which, to his great disappointment, do not come to pass, for they require the cooperation of free moral agents (e.g. Jer. 3:6–7, 19–20; 2 Pet. 3:9–10). This does not…

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How do you respond to Isaiah 48:3–5?

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…The Bible flatly contradicts this perspective. Passages such as this demonstrate that God is perfectly able to predestine and foreknow as much of the future as he chooses. Indeed, free agents are only free, and the future is only open, to the extent that God graciously decides it should be….

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What Does it Mean to be “Saved”?

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…sins, but even more fundamentally it includes freedom from Satan’s destructive grip. So too, Scripture teaches that salvation is about escaping “from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will” (2 Tim. 2:26). It is about being “set free from this present evil…

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How do you respond to Genesis 3:15?

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…open is the scope of freedom God grants to his creation. The part that is settled are those events which need to occur, regardless of how free creatures choose to behave, for God to accomplish his goal for creation. God thus providentially sets parameters which define the scope of his…

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Christus Victor Atonement and Girard’s Scapegoat Theory

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Many of the major criticisms of Crucifixion of the Warrior God that have been raised since it was published four weeks ago have come from folks who advocate Rene Girard’s understanding of the atonement. A major place where these matters are being discussed is here, and you are free to…

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…gender and nationalistic walls are torn down and people are set free from the lies of religion and nationalism as well as the lies of their culture. Greg teaches that this radical transforming power can’t come from human self-effort, but only by the Holy Spirit as he gives us a…

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How does an Open Theist explain all the prophecies fulfilled in the life of Jesus?

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Question: Throughout the Gospels it says that Jesus “fulfilled that which was written.” Some of these prophecies are very specific and involve free decisions of people. For example, a guard freely chose to give Jesus vinegar instead of water (Jn 19:28), yet John says this was prophesied in the Old…

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Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

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commentators argue that the fig tree represented Israel and Jesus was symbolically warning that judgment was coming if it didn’t start bearing fruit. This is probably correct, but I don’t think it addresses the most profound significance of this event. If we understand this episode against the background of the…

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What is the significance of Ezekiel 12:1–3?

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…verse is allowed to say what it seems to plainly say. God had Ezekiel go through this dramatic sermon because God genuinely thought it might work in bringing the people around to God. People are free, however, and unfortunately they sometimes used their freedom to thwart God’s plan for them….

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In the Aftermath of the AZ Anti-Gay Bill


…political rights. … As Kingdom people we’re called to imitate the One who never exercised his free will outside the will of the Father. We’re called to surrender our freedom and submit our will to God’s will, both as he’s revealed it in Scripture and as he directs us by…

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Family Planning in an Apocalypse (podcast)


Greg talks about preparing for the End of the World. Three parts: Episode 1126-1128 __ __ __ Part One: Part Two: Part Three:…

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How Can We Stop the Sexual Exploitation of Children? (podcast)


Dan interviews Laila Mickelwait (@LailaMickelwait) about the sex industry and the impact the sex industry has on the poor. Laila serves as the Director of Abolition at Exodus Cry, and founded New Reality International. Episode 647…

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