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Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

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…is now receiving. According to Crossan, Jesus died by crucifixion as a common criminal and his corpse received the treatment common criminals received in the ancient Roman world. If it was buried at all, Crossan argues, it would have been in a shallow mass grave. And, in all probability, it…

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When the Last Few Moments Changes Everything

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…disagree with). The assumption that everything in Scripture is equally authoritative inclines Christians, especially Christians from more conservative churches, to read it along the lines of a cookbook. Like a recipe, the meaning and authority of a passage isn’t much affected by where it’s located within the overall book. The…

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Ms. Paparazzi the Night Stalker


Thanks for posting that Marcia. Paul and I are very pleased to receive the CT Book Award. We make a good team — despite the fact that we sometimes drive each other nuts. Our prayer is that this book will help build confidence in the reliability of the Synoptic Gospels,…

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What’s Up With The Nephilim?


…I argued in my book God at War, viewing the “sons of God” as angels squares with biblical terminology and explains why the offspring of their unnatural union with women were supernaturally large. It also accounts for why the Genesis author shares this bizarre episode as a prelude to the…

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Bible in the shadow of the Cross

Answering an Objection to a Cross-Centered Approach to Scripture

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…accept the Bible as the Word of God rather than the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Bhagavad Gita, or any other book. Even after deciding to believe the Bible, you, as a flawed human, have to decide what you were going to do with (say) its pre-scientific view of…

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Who Killed Ananias and Sapphira? A Response to Paul Copan (#6)

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…man to be healed, as most of us would do today. Rather, Peter knew he had already been given the power to heal people in Jesus name, so he simply commanded the man to start walking. We find the disciples repeating this pattern through the book of Acts (e.g., Acts…

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Secret Doubt

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J L via Compfight We don’t usually do this, but Jessica Kelley (Henry’s mom) over at Jess in Process wrote a piece about her struggles with doubt, and we got her permission to reprint it in its entirety. She perfectly represents the basic premise of Greg’s upcoming book Benefit of…

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Isn’t the World Unsafe If God Doesn’t Control Everything?

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…that it is sometimes a scary place. Divine Control and Comfort Second, I do not see how affirming an all-controlling God provides any real comfort in the face of the scary aspects of the world. I would submit that your belief actually makes the world a scarier place. For one…

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The Cosmic Scope of Spiritual Warfare

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…by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross” (Col. 1:19-20, emphasis added). Similarly, Paul says the whole creation has from time immemorial been groaning to be “liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21). One can…

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When God is Revealed

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…from our minds and hearts can we form and embrace a truly accurate picture of God. Only when the Spirit frees us from the blinding oppression of the “god of this age” can our hearts and minds see the glorious beauty of the God revealed in Christ. And only as…

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What the Cross Tells Us About God

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…Satan’s blinding oppression cannot receive the “light” that God wants to “shine in [their] hearts to give [them] the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ” (2 Cor 4:3-6). Only when the Spirit frees us from the blinding oppression of the “god of this…

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What are the main principles of the warfare worldview?

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…this fact. Love Requires Freedom: By definition, love must be freely chosen. We are able to program computers to obey our commands perfectly, but we don’t consider them “loving.” They lack the capacity for love because they have no choice but to do what we program them to do. Humans…

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Jesus and the Reality of Spiritual Warfare

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…world was to drive out the “prince of the world” (John 12:31), to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8), and to “destroy the one who has the power of death, that is the devil” in order to “free those who all their lives were held in slavery…

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Why Did Jesus Curse The Poor Fig Tree?

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…wrong place during the wrong season. Most commentators argue that the fig tree represented Israel and Jesus was symbolically warning that judgment was coming if it didn’t start bearing fruit. This is probably correct, but I don’t think it addresses the most profound significance of this event. If we understand

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The Cross and Cosmic Warfare

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…primarily about free willing agents (something I label as “the powers” in my writings) whose cosmic power and influence dwarf the free agency of human beings. The central means by which God defeated these powers was by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. The cross was a…

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When Jesus Questioned the Father

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…contrary, your faith is strong to the degree that you are willing to honestly embrace your struggle. Yet the example of Jesus struggling in Gethsemane pales in significance compared to the way he struggled on the cross. In the moment when the Son of God, for the first time in…

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Do the Gospels Promote Anti-Semitism?

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…anti-Semitism and that these writings are at least partly responsible for the animosity and violence that has been directed toward the Jewish people over the last two millennia. The most commonly cited evidence of the Gospel’s alleged anti-Semitism is that they each pin the blame for Jesus’ crucifixion on the…

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Does The Open View Limit God?

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…wisely responds to everything a free agent might do more intelligent than a God who simply knows what a free agent will do? Anticipating and responding to possibilities takes problem-solving intelligence. Simply possessing a crystal ball vision of what’s coming requires none. —Adapted from God of the Possible, pages 125-128…

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Why? The Question That Cannot Be Answered

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…knowledge of all the factors that influenced all the drivers on the freeway that day, driving the exact speed they were driving. We have not yet arrived at the initial conditions explaining the eight-second interval, however, for one cannot exhaustively understand the behavior of any driver on the freeway on…

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Cruciform Aikido Pt 3: The Judge Who Lets Them Have It

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…that the Divine Judge judges by “letting them have it”—that is, what they want. They want to be free from God, so God—with a grieving heart (Lk 19:41)—allows them to be free from him. He thus withdraws his protective presence thereby allowing them to experience the death-consequences of their choices….

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