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The Case for Including Open Theism Within Arminianism

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…out consistently, core Arminian convictions, as well as a wealth of biblical material, implies that the future includes unsettled possibilities that will only become settled facts – and thus known by God as settled facts – when free agents transition them into facts by their free decisions. Silvio via Compfight…

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Romans 8:28: What Does It Mean?

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for him to work with or alongside of. In this light, I suggest the passage is teaching us not that all things happen for a divine purpose, as though God wills all that comes to pass, but that all things happen with a divine purpose. Whatever comes to pass, however…

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The Heresy of “Just War”

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Since the time when the Jesus-looking kingdom movement was transformed into the Caesar-looking “militant and triumphant” Church, there has been a tradition of Christians by-passing the enemy-loving, non-violent teachings of the NT and instead appealing to the precedent of divinely-sanctioned nationalism and violence in the OT whenever they felt the…

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Good From Evil

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…of God’s will, there’s nothing outside of God’s will for him to work with or along side of. In this light, I suggest this passage is teaching us not that all things happen for a divine purpose, as though God wills all that comes to pass, but that all things…

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Are you an annihilationist, and if so, why?

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…5:13; 7:3, 6; 20:21; Ps. 100:5; 103:9; 106:1; 107:1; Ps 118;1-4, 29; 136:10-26). How is this consistent with the traditional teaching that God’s love and anger are equally eternal? 12) Just as with the Old Testament, all the main metaphors used to describe God’s judgment in the New Testament imply…

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Why the 35W Bridge Collapsed


…in part because he wanted people in Minneapolis to “fear him.” But, he assured his daughter, God isn’t to “blame” because he did nothing wrong ( In this same blog the pastor discusses Luke 13:1-5 where Jesus responds to two catastrophes: Pilates’ slaughtering of some Galileans and the fall of…

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Where is Human Free Will in the Bible?

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The Bible is emphatic on its teaching that humans possess free will and are capable of originating evil. Notice, for example, that in the very first chapter of the Bible God commands humans to be fruitful and exercise dominion over the animal kingdom and the earth (Gen. 1:26). The fact…

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Reflections on the Body, Soul, and Spirit


“free will” as an emergent property from the complex dynamic system that is our brain. He believes in free will (within limits), but denies that humans have a “soul” or “mind” that exists as a separate entity. In other words, he’s NOT a dualist (one who believes humans are comprised…

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Open Theism: A Basic Introduction

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…to pass. For whatever in fact comes to pass was logically possible from all eternity. Consequently, God would eternally know it as such. But this vast foreknowledge is of possibilities not of future certainties. God may (and does) sovereignly delimit these possibilities as he sees fit by decreeing the parameters…

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Dealing With Objections to Open Theism, Part I

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…including propositions about what future free agents will choose. In response, some Open Theists argue that future tensed propositions about what free agents will choose to do have no definite truth value until agents resolve their decisions one way or another. Other Open Theists, however, grant that God must know…

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Why Does God’s Activity Seem So Arbitrary?

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…our knowledge about God’s character and general purposes for our life. What we can hardly begin to fathom, however, is the vast complexity of creation, a creation that includes an untold number of human and spiritual free agents whose decisions affect much that comes to pass. This is not at…

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What are the different models of the Trinity in the Christian tradition?

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…the psychological model borders on modalism (reducing the three Persons to three modes of one person). Still others argue that since models are only models, not exact replicas of reality, we may affirm both models as valid in capturing distinct perspectives on a God whose full reality defies exhaustive description….

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Can you have an Anabaptist Mega-Church?

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…question of whether or not a mega-church can be considered Anabaptist. Multitudes of people today are beginning to realize that the kingdom is about forming passionate disciples who live in authentic community with one another, not about attracting a large crowd to a weekly event. As people wake up to…

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What Motivates Torture “In Jesus’ Name”?

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…explanations could be offered, and they might all be valid. But the core motivation for this barbarism is the same as it is for all other forms of barbarism: idolatry. This idolatry surfaced when Christian leaders derived some element of their core worth from the rightness of their beliefs—along with,…

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Are the Charismatic Gifts for Today’s Church?

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…39). Paul commands believers not to “quench the Spirit,” “despise the words of prophets,” or “forbid speaking in tongues” (1 Thes 5:19-22; 1 Cor 14:39). While cessationists insist that these verses apply only to believers who lived before the NT was completed, Paul gives his instruction in these passages without…

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Part 10 (of 15): Who Gets To Interpret The World?

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compete for mating rites has been getting higher and higher throughout our biological and social evolution. While I don’t dispute the research demonstrating that women are choosy maters, I’m not convinced women have always, or even usually, had the power to say “no” that Peterson ascribes to them. Indeed, at…

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Boyd’s Bad Ass Tattoo

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…myself that, if ever I became sufficiently convinced that this Hexagon was valid, I would have it tattooed on my back. Well, thanks in large part to the work of Elijah Hess, I recently decided I’m now as convinced of the Hexagon’s validity as I’ll ever be.[1] And so, on…

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Getting Free From the Sin of Sodom: Living With Outrageous Generosity

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…intrinsically evil with wealth or virtuous with poverty. But the danger of wealth is that one can easily begin to get life from it, while the one advantage of being poor is that one is more easily freed from this idol and is thus more open to receiving true life…

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Reviewing the Reviews: Tom Belt (Part 2)

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…the experienced unity of God is compatible with God’s experience of himself as perfect love. I just don’t see how this follows. Even if I had to play “the mystery card” at this point, I don’t see why this would compromise my intellectual integrity. But as a matter of fact,…

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Paradigm Shift Questions

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…involve revoking free will); and b) while God can’t unilaterally override a free agent’s will, God can influence it. While coercion is inconsistent with free will, influence is not. Look, I’m trying to influence you right now, and I don’t need to interfere with your free will to do it….

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