
The Witness of Graffiti (Rocks Crying Out)
Category: General
Tags: Creation, Easter, Jesus, Justice, Kingdom, Suffering
Ibrahim Iujaz via Compfight On this eve of Easter, we wanted to share something that fit the mood of the time between the crucifixion and the resurrection. D.L. Mayfield wrote this striking piece on the…

The Suffering of God
Category: General
Tags: Creation, Current Events, Doubt, Faith, God, Newtown, Pain, Problem of Evil, Suffering, Theodicy
NYC.andre via Compfight This seems like a good follow-up post from what Greg posted yesterday. Charisma posted this reflection on the problem of evil and the suffering of God. It’s a great summary of our…
Glorious Creation
Category: General
Tags: Creation, Science
I’m not a scientist, but I’ve always loved to dabble in it. In fact, I collaborated with some friends and wrote a quirky picture book on the interfacing of various areas of science (e.g. quantum…

Suggested Further Readings for MYTH OF A CHRISTIAN RELIGION
Category: General
Tags: Books, Creation, Myth of a Christian Religion
Here is a chapter-by-chapter list of suggested further readings for The Myth of a Christian Religion. If you’d prefer to download the readings as a Word document, click here Suggested Readings. Chapter 1. Giant…