Does the Bible Contain Logic Fallacies? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Inerrancy, Logic, Theological Method
Greg and Dan break down the Ad Hominem and wonder if the apostle Paul is guilty of this logic fallacy. Episode 596
The Bible Contains Errors
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Inerrancy, Infallibility
Topics: Biblical Reliability
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus expressed an unqualified confidence that Scripture infallibly communicates the will of God. He consistently referred to it when deciding matters related to faith. This same attitude was also adopted by the…
The Bible is Infallible NOT Inerrant
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Bible Interpretation, Covenant, Cruciform Theology, Faith, Inerrancy, Infallibility
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
While the cruciform understanding (explained here) of the “God-breathed” nature of Scripture is in tension with the way most talk about inerrancy (See previous post on inerrancy), I do not believe it is at all incompatible with what…
An Alternative to Biblical Inerrancy
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Bible Interpretation, Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
As with all other theological issues, when it comes to affirming that Scripture is “God-breathed,” everything hangs on where one starts. A dominant strand of the Evangelical tradition started with the assumption that, if God is…

A Review of a Review of Benefit of the Doubt
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Bible, Book Reviews, Greg Boyd, Historical Criticism, Inerrancy, Inspiration, Reviews
I’d like to offer a brief response to a curious on-line review of Benefit of the Doubt, published on It’s titled, Which came first, Jesus or the Bible? A clever heretic draws a false…

The Idolatrous Devotion to Inerrancy
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Ed Cyzewski, Inerrancy, Religious Idolatry, Truth
Luca Rossato via Compfight Ed Cyzewski posted some thoughts on his blog on why he hates the word “inerrancy”. He agrees with something Greg has been saying for a while now that seems shocking to many:…
Answering an Objection to a Cross-Centered Approach to Scripture
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Q&A, Scripture
Topics: Christus Victor view of Atonement
Through Greg’s Facebook and Twitter, we’ve been getting some great feedback and questions regarding his cross-centered approach to Scripture. Several have voiced questions similar to the reader’s (below), so we thought it would be helpful to post Greg’s answer here on his blog.
How The Imperfections of Scripture Reveal God Perfectly
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Scripture
In my previous blog I discussed one important implication of a cruciform (“cross-centered”) approach to biblical inspiration. On the cross, I noted, God revealed his perfection by identifying with human imperfection. Jesus in some sense…
Scripture’s God-Breathed Imperfections
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Scripture
“Inerrancy” of Scripture
As a conservative evangelical who accepted the “inerrancy” of Scripture, I used to be profoundly disturbed whenever I confronted contradictions in Scripture, or read books that made strong cases that certain aspects of the biblical narrative conflict with archeological findings.