What Type of Faith Do You Have?
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Israel, Jacob
Topics: Faith & Doubt
Genesis 32 tells the story of Jacob, wrestling through the night with a nameless man, revealed to be none other than God Himself. We read that when this man “saw that he could not overpower”…
Podcast: How Do You Understand God’s Promises to Israel?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Israel
Greg discusses God’s promises to Israel.
A Kingdom Not of This World
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Kingdom of God, Nationalism
In the previous post, I introduced how Jesus directly taught against the favored nation status of Israel, an theme that runs throughout his ministry. For example, Yahweh’s Sinai covenant with Israel was rooted in a…
Jesus and the “Favored Nation”
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Jesus, Kingdom of God, Nationalism
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Nationalism lies at the heart of the Old Testament narrative. This concept is intimately wrapped up with the law-oriented covenant God made with the Israelites at Mount Sinai, for at the heart of this covenant…
Incarnation and Covenant
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Incarnation, Israel
The most distinctive aspect of Jesus’ identity, according to the faith of the historic-orthodox Church, is that Jesus is fully God and fully human—“God Incarnate,” to use the Church’s creedal phraseology. To accurately reflect on…
Jesus, the New Israel
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Jesus, Old Testament
Topics: Biblical Interpretation, Christology
The Gospels present Jesus and the Kingdom he inaugurated as the fulfillment of Israel’s story. For example, Jesus’ birth fulfills Israel’s longing for a Messiah; his return from Egypt as a child mirrors their Exodus…
Jesus, the Light that Blesses
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Blessing, Christmas, Israel, Jesus, Light
God spoke a promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 that his descendants would be a great nation and that all of the nations would be blessed through him. In this sermon clip, Greg discusses how Jesus…
Jesus’ Different Kind of Nation
Category: General
Tags: Blessing, Israel, Jesus, Kingdom of God, Nationalism, New Humanity
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
God called Abraham to form a unique nation by which “all peoples of the earth will be blessed.” The unique call of the descendants of Abraham was to become a nation of servant-priests whom God…
God’s “Ways” and “Thoughts” are Higher
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, God, Israel, Nationalism, Transcendence
Topics: God
Verse: Isaiah 55
Isaiah 55:8-9 is one of the more often quoted passages in the Bible. It reads: … my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways … As the heavens are higher…
God is Flexible: Romans 9, Part 4
Category: General
Tags: Determinism, Israel, Open Theism, Potter and Clay, Predestination, Romans 9
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Verse: Romans 9
As we continue this series on Romans 9, [Here’s the link to the first post in the series.] today we will look at the famous potter/clay analogy. Most tend to interpret the potter and clay image…
Paul Was Not Writing about Personal Salvation: Romans 9, Part 2
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Determinism, Election, Israel, Romans 9, Salvation
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Verse: Romans 9
In yesterday’s post, I summarized the deterministic interpretation of Romans 9 and offered the first argument against it. In this post I offer the second and third of six arguments that reveal that there is something…

Four Blood Moons—What’s the Significance?
Category: General
Tags: Blood Moons, End Times, Israel, John Hagee, Signs
The first of four successive “blood moons” will occur on April 15 & 16. Is this significant? Does it point to coming earth-shattering events specifically related to Israel? Many authors like John Hagee believe it…

Sermon Clip: Mark Moore Israel Week 2
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Israel, Mark Moore, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
In this sermon clip, Mark Moore talks about how God interrupts Abrahams life by asking him to have huge faith. In week two of The Forest In The Trees, Woodland Hills takes a look at…

Love in Unexpected Places
Category: General
Tags: Iran, Israel, Israel loves Iran, Peacemaking, Ronny Edry
Here’s a letter we received from a reader pointing us to this TED talk: Hi, My Name is Austin. I’ve been a podrishoner at Woodland Hills Church for the past 3 years and frequently visit…

A Distinctly Christian Take on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Israel, Jonathan Martin, Peacemaking
David Masters via Compfight Here is a great essay, written by a young kingdom revolutionary I’m just getting to know, Jonathan Martin. Jonathan addresses the hot topic of the Israel-Palestine conflict with biblical insight, theological…
God and Our Political Platforms
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Rachel Held Evans posted a blog today on the stir created when Democrats booed the passing of “an amendment to the party platform reinstating language that identified Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel and…