Mark Moore

Changing Your Mind
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Change, Mark Moore, Missio Alliance, Providence, Systematic Theology, Theology, Women In Ministry
Mark Moore is a man who has changed his mind about a lot of things which is somewhat extraordinary these days. Change can be costly and painful and this was certainly true for Mark. He previously…

Sermon Clip: Mark Moore Israel Week 2
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Israel, Mark Moore, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
In this sermon clip, Mark Moore talks about how God interrupts Abrahams life by asking him to have huge faith. In week two of The Forest In The Trees, Woodland Hills takes a look at…

What Does God Look Like?
Category: General
Tags: God's Character, Jessica Kelley, Mark Moore, Picture of God, ReKnew, Rising Revolution
Thomas Hawk via Compfight Our good friend Jessica Kelley wrote this blog featuring sermons from Mark Moore about what God is really like. It’s a timely piece since Jessica is going to be preaching at Woodland…

Leaders in the Revolution: An Invitation
Category: General
Tags: Church, Connecting, Fellowship, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Revolution, Leaders, Mark Moore, Viva la Revolution!
Kevin Dooley via Compfight Network Exploration Meeting There is a growing movement of pastors, church planters, and churches around the globe who have become convinced that the center of the Gospel is a Jesus-looking God…