Religion that Blinds Us to God
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Relationships, Religion, Religious Idolatry
For a variety of reasons, many Jews at the time of Jesus had come to believe that heaven had been closed since the writing of the last book of the Old Testament. God was distant…
Conservative/Liberal are not Theological Categories
Category: General
Tags: Jonathan Martin, Kingdom, Politics, Religion
We wanted to repost something by Jonathan Martin today that struck a chord with us about the theological emptiness of political boxes. It’s brief and beautifully written and we hope you’ll read the entire article…
Is Islam Inherently Violent?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christianity, Islam, Religion, Religious Violence, Violence
An increasing number of people, especially in conservative Christian circles, are claiming that Islam is an inherently violent religion. They point to all the violence in the history of Islam and all of the violence…
Repent! … From the Sin of Religion
Category: General
Tags: Judgment, Living in Love, Love, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Servant
Topics: Following Jesus
People often think that being Christian is about “being religious,” but loving others in the way that Christ instructs us is about as far removed from religion as anything could be. Religion, as I use…
The Kind of Sin Jesus Publicly Exposes
Category: General
Tags: Judgment, Love and Judgment, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion
Topics: Following Jesus
Image by danny.hammontree via Flickr Religious sin is the only sin Jesus publicly confronted. The religious variety of the forbidden fruit is the most addictive and deceptive variety. Instead of acknowledging that judging others is prohibited, religious…

In the Wilderness of Religion
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Ed Cyzewski, Evangelism, Faith, Jesus, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Sarah Bessey, World Vision
Eric Bryan via Compfight There are an awful lot of us in the Church today who are no longer feeling at home in Evangelicalism. Regardless of how you feel about World Vision’s hiring policy decisions,…

When Science Starts to Smell Like Religion
Category: General
Tags: Biologos, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Religion, Science, T.C. Moore
Most of you know that, here at ReKnew, we try to come against some of the popular antagonism between the church and science. We think it’s a shame when christians pit themselves against legitimate scientific…

Join the Revolution!
Category: General
Tags: Christianity, Fundraising, Greg Boyd, Jesus, Kingdom, ReKnew, Religion, Revolution
We are living at a very important, and very exciting, juncture of history. The old religion of Christendom that has been identified with “Christianity” the last 1600 years is dying, and out of its ruins…

Greg Boyd: Relationship vs Religion [Video]
Category: General
Tags: Religion
In his April 29, 2012 sermon, Greg explains that what Jesus invites us into is much more than just another world religion.