What Would You Do If Someone Attacked Your Family?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Q&A
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
The New Testament commands us never to “repay evil with evil” but instead to “overcome evil with good” (Rom.12:17; cf. I Thess 5:15; I Pet 3:9). Jesus said, “Do not resist an evildoer. But if…

Is homosexual love without homoerotic behavior okay for a Christian?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Q&A, Sexuality, Sin
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Relationships, Sin
Question: You may find this to be an odd question, but is it possible for two Christians of the same gender to remain a couple if they do not engage in sex? My partner and…

Must wives submit to husbands?
Category: Essays
Tags: Christian Life, Essay, Marriage, Relationships
Topics: Relationships
The apostle Paul writes: Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, the…

Response to the September 11th attacks
Category: Essays
Tags: Current Events, Essay, Free Will, Open Theism, Predestination
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, The Problem of Evil
Was God Punishing Us? Since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, many people have asked the question, “Why did God allow this to happen?” In response, some Christian…

Why have you consistently stressed the need for the Western Church to learn from the African Church?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Church, Diversity, Q&A
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, The Church
Question: I’ve heard you argue that the white Western church has a lot to learn theologically from African cultures. What is it specifically that you’re referring to? Response: I do strongly believe that the western…

Getting Free From the Sin of Sodom: Living With Outrageous Generosity
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Kingdom Living, Wealth and Responsibility
Topics: Following Jesus
Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. Erich Fromm Jesus, the poor and the greedy Though it’s often missed by American…

Argument From Cosmic Redemption
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello folks, I’m coming to my fifth argument defending my Satan-in-Nature (S.I.N) hypothesis — the view that “natural” evil can only adequately be explained by positing that evil cosmic forces have a corrupted nature. If…

The Argument from God’s Non-Violent Creational Ideal
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello blogging community. Thanks for tuning in. I’m getting a lot of feedback on my recent posts about “natural evil,” and I appreciate it. Some of it has been people offering criticisms of my view,…

The Argument From Animal Suffering
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello my smart friends out there in virtual reality land! It’s so good to be back home with family and friends. Not that I didn’t love being with all the philosophical, theological and scientific brainiacs…
The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church
Category: General
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Author: Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Zondervan (2007) Topic: Christians and Culture: What’s the relationship between the Kingdom of God, politics and American culture? Media: New York Times article Greg’s appearance on Charlie Rose National Public…
Escaping the Matrix: Setting Your Mind Free to Experience Real Life in Christ
Category: General
Topics: Following Jesus, Hearing God, Prayer
Authors: Gregory A. Boyd and Al Larson Publisher: Baker (2005) Buy on Amazon Topic: Christian Discipleship/ Healing: How can we get free from strongholds in our minds? Description: What is in control of your mind?…
Repenting of Religion: Turning from Judgment to the Love of God
Category: General
Topics: Following Jesus
Author: Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Baker (2004) Topic: Theology: What’s wrong with religion and how can we be freed from it? Buy on Amazon Description: In this bold and provocative book, pastor and author Gregory…
Seeing Is Believing: Experience Jesus Through Imaginative Prayer
Category: General
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
Author: Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Baker (2004) Topic: Christian Discipleship/ Healing: How can we experience the things of God as real? Media: Christianity Today’s 2005 Award of Merit in the category of Spirituality Publisher’s Weekly…
Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology
Category: General
Topics: Following Jesus
Authors: Gregory A. Boyd and Paul Rhodes Eddy Publisher: Baker (2009) Topic: Theology: What are the issues that divide Evangelicals and why do people hold the various views they hold? Media: Buy on Amazon Description:…
Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity
Category: General
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Author: Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Baker (1992) Topic: Theology: What biblical and theological errors are involved in Oneness (Jesus-Only) Pentecostalism? Buy on Amazon Description: While most Pentecostals are orthodox, there is a segment within this…