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Introduction to ReKnew

There’s never been anyone like Jesus. Not even close.

And yet, there’s no greater disconnect in history than the chasm between Jesus and many who claim his name.

If you’re like most thinking people, you’re frustrated by that. Or disappointed. The inconsistencies are rampant.

Or maybe you’ve recently faced a horrific tragedy and your seemingly coherent belief system has come crashing down all around you.

The good news is, there really is Good News. And after decades of reading and researching and debating and praying, it turns out it’s better than any of us dared dream.

Now there’s a movement getting back to basics, back to the simple yet radically beautiful and counter-cultural vision that Jesus unleashed two thousand years ago:

Welcome to ReKnew.

1. “But there are so many different pictures of God out there, and none of them ring true.”

We’ve found the center of the center to be that Jesus reveals what God is really like. And nothing puts a finer point on that than his willing, sacrificial death on a cross. After Jesus, everything else we know about God comes a much distant second.

 2. “I just can’t believe in a God that would allow so much evil and suffering in the world.”

No doubt, the contemporary pictures of God out there leave much to be desired. Much to our relief, Jesus reveals that God is not to blame.

3. “I’m sick of power-hungry preachers and politicians claiming Jesus’ name.”

Jesus was apolitical, calling his followers to a “power under,” not “power over,” way of life. This radical love is not just God’s love for humanity but also the means by which God seeks to establish his kingdom here on earth. The far-reaching implications of that stand in stark contrast to the religions of our day.

4. “How could a loving God destine people to die in Nazi gas chambers? Or spend eternity in Hell?”

Clearly, the modern church’s obsession with God-as-puppeteer has gone off the rails. When you get back to Jesus, the picture of God is open, dynamic and truly beautiful. With no disclaimers, no hidden agendas, no fine print.

ReKnew invites you to engage in the discourse as together we seek to re-knew everything we knew about God.


Related Reading

Video Q&A: “Love Wins” and Hell

Greg discusses his endorsement of Rob Bell’s book Love Wins, and shares his view of hell.


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This is the second of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? If you missed it, you can catch the first installment here.

A Calvinist Take on the Problem of Evil

Carnie Lewis via Compfight Here’s a Calvinist view on the problem(s) of evil in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. It’s the old God-as-author analogy. In essence, this is how Calvinism views God’s role in any instance of radical evil (quoted from the Desiring God article): But, of course, the Bible says more than…

Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 8

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