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End of Year Reflection

As we approach the end of this year, I’d like to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are invested in ReKnew. Honestly, your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial support mean the world to me and to the entire ReKnew team.

It has been a truly exciting year. I am of course delighted to have finally completed The Crucifixion of the Warrior God. (I am now working on a popular version, tentatively titled, The Shadow of the Cross). And I am of course jazzed about our new and improved website. But the most exciting thing about this last year has been the remarkable kingdom people I have met. I cannot tell you how encouraging (and sometimes convicting) it is to meet folks whose lives have been revolutionized by the vision of a Jesus-looking God raising up a Jesus-looking people to transform the world in a Jesus kind of way! Nor can I express how exciting it is to see the kingdom movement beginning to get networked!

I am also super excited about what this next year is going to bring. Among other things, we are hoping to further network this movement by hosting regular webinars, participating in church planting conferences, launching a year-long consortium, and completing an on-line map to help kingdom people, house churches, traditional churches, and organizations find and help one another.

Folks, I believe we are on the cusp of a new and beautiful Reformation that will eventually transform the church far more significantly than any previous Reformation ever did. And I and the ReKnew team feel deeply honored and blessed to be part of it.

We hope you feel the same, for you too are an integral part of it.

Praise God for all he has done this last year and for all he will do this coming year! Our greatest aspiration must be to be used by him, however he sees fit, to help bring this about.

Be blessed,

and stay tuned!

Greg Boyd

Photo credit: Greg Rakozy

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