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“…citizens of the kingdom of God need to take care to distinguish…” [Quotes]
“…citizens of the kingdom of God need to take care to distinguish between their core faith and values on the one hand and the particular way they politically express their faith and values on the other.”
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Oh Constantine
Once upon a time there was a Roman Emperor named Constantine who used the enemy-loving Jesus to kill his enemies. What does this have to do with us? Find out:

Podcast: Can Government Be Saved?
Greg talks about Shane Claiborne, government, and ministry. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0430.mp3

Quotes to Chew On: Prayer and Finitude
“We pray as we live: in a sea of ambiguity. This is not because we are fallen but because we are finite. And we are inclined to forget we are finite. We ignore the ambiguity that accompanies our finitude, and thus we claim to know what we can’t know. We reduce the unfathomable complexity of…

Hate-Filled Prayers
I came across a story about this billboard at 4:00 yesterday morning and tweeted on it. It would be easy to dismiss this sad display as an isolated act of a crazed fanatic, but I think it actually symbolizes the demonic animosity that permeates our current political climate. In fact, this is the third time…

Politics & the Kingdom of the World
Instead of aligning any version of the kingdom of this world with the kingdom of God—as is common in American Christianity—kingdom-of-God participants must retain a healthy suspicion toward every version of the kingdom of this world. This is especially necessary regarding one’s own version because that’s precisely where we’re most tempted to become idolatrous (see…

How Do I Respond to Family Members Who Pressure Me About Politics?
Greg discusses some fantastic strategies for dealing with family members who pressure others with their politics. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0052.mp3