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Kingdom Sightings: Church Under the Bridge (Waco, Tx)

Have you ever witnessed something that gave you a glimpse of the coming Kingdom of God? We’d like to occasionally highlight these glimpses when we find them.

The Church Under the Bridge in Waco, Texas is exactly what it sounds like. Each week people gather under a bridge and hold a church service that is primarily aimed at “the least of these.” The homeless, addicted, cast-off members of society are welcomed into the Body of Christ just as they are. Recently, The Livesay Haiti Weblog featured a guest post from Jimmy Dorrell, the pastor of this church.

From the blog post:

Far from the padded pews and steeples I grew up around, I have found joy in parking lots and under bridges which have become the intersections of life among so many who desperately want the same love and respect we all do. I have discovered sacred places in bars and housing projects. I have watched the Spirit reconcile relationships, convict of sin, and bring tears of joy in places I never imagined. Whether jail cells or strip joints and in dark places, Jesus seems to show up…What a God!



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