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Wrecked for God

Idelette McVicker posted a blog on She Loves about getting wrecked for an ordinary, comfortable life. It’s a thoughtful piece on opening yourself to the world around you so that your heart breaks and your life is forever changed.

From her blog post:

Being wrecked for me, is facing my own brokenness and yet seeing God’s grace sweep through that. When I sat with that girl on a couch in Berlin, I knew how easily it could have been me. When I met the women and children and Bubanza, I found freedom from my own story in theirs.

Being and living in this state of brokenness—a heart shattered for the things that break God’s heart–is the only life I can imagine living now. I wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s an adventure. It’s often hard, but it’s the really good kind of hard.


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