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The Political Ambiguity of the Abortion Issue

5 meses

Creative Commons License José Manuel Ríos Valiente via Compfight.

As an illustration of the ambiguity of the abortion question when approaching it from a political point of view, here’s an article portraying Obama as a hero of the pro-life movement. Our purpose for posting this isn’t to suggest that all of us should vote for Obama in light of this. It’s simply to show that there are a number of perspectives for those of us with a heart to see abortion become less and less frequent and to create viable options to abortion to those who might otherwise seek it. Some will vote for Obama towards this end and others will vote for Romney. Others of us will not vote at all. Please don’t let this issue divide us any longer.

And remember, our hope is not in any particular politician. Rather, our hope is in the Kingdom of God breaking out into the world through our self-sacrificial reflection of the love of God to the world.

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