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The Christmas Story According to the Kids

On this eve of Christmas, we hope you’ll be blessed by these children. Apparently, this is how they roll in New Zealand. I’m pretty sure the beach party at the end was from one of the lost gospels.

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Related Reading

Lighten Up: And So It Began

Podcast: How Involved in Church Should Kids Be?

Greg discusses the idea of a Kids book based on a Cruciform Hermeneutic, then considers how much kids should be involved in reading and learning about the bible. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0164.mp3


Lighten Up: The Best Christmas Video Ever

If you want to find out more about our good friends the Livesay family and their ministry in Haiti, you can find them here. Glory to God in the highest. Amen.

Christmas is Subversive…

…at least the first Christmas was. When Jesus came it was about the birth of a subversive ruler who brought a subversive kingdom. He is a king that came to introduce a reign that would overthrow the world. Click here for a brief reflection by Greg on Subversive Christmas, brought to you by Nomad.

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

This is the first week of Advent, the season where we anticipate the coming of Christ. It’s a time to hear and enter into the story of how Jesus came out of love to give his life for us. This grand love story of Christmas taps into a deep intuition we have about the centrality…

A Restless Heart

What is the “good news” of the Gospel? How can we find rest in Jesus? Here’s another video from The Work of the People that examines these questions.