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Kurt Willems posted a response to the accusation he often gets that he’s anti-American. He also included a video of Greg giving his own response to this question. Take a look!

From Kurt’s blog:

I am not, in any way, anti-American. In fact, I’m not anti-anyone. I believe that the way of Jesus compels us to be “for” everyone. I’m for Iraqis, Egyptians, Canadians (barely :-)), Mexicans, Peruvians, and every other people group on the planet. I’m also “for” Americans. This doesn’t mean that I’m for the ways in which the church often partners with the sword-bearing government, but I’m “for” the people of this nation. I long, more than anything, that all Americans would redefine their allegiance around the reign of God — the God of enemy love, justice, and salvation. This God, namely Jesus, is my King, President, and Lord.

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