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Sermon Clip: Seeking Shalom

In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd shows how the Anabaptists seek after shalom in every part of their lives. All of us seek for peace in our lives, but peace is just a small part of God’s shalom. Shalom is right relatedness between us and God, each other, and creation.

You can view the entire sermon here.

Related Reading

Sermon Clip: Tough To Love

Learning how to love the people in our life that we find challenging to deal with is often very difficult. This week in Heart Smart Greg Boyd looks at some biblical examples and instructions on how to love our enemies in the same way we love our friends. Full Sermon Here: http://whchurch.org/sermons-media/sermon/tough-to-love

Podcast: Is Buddhism More Transformative than Christianity?

Greg looks at faith and transformation and compares Christianity with other worldviews. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0462.mp3

Responding to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist?” Part I

I’m sure many of you have read Mark Driscoll’s recent blog titled “Is God a Pacifist?” in which he argues against Christian pacifism. I’ve decided to address this in a series of three posts, not because I think Driscoll’s arguments are particularly noteworthy, but because it provides me with an opportunity to make a case against what I’ve…


We’re excited about an upcoming video series by Peaceworks, a new youth movement for peace. It will inspire you and give you the tools you need to make a difference in your life and the world. Watch the trailer to find out who the speakers will be (spoiler alert: one of them is Greg) or visit…

Sermon Clips: Two Weeks!

We got busy and didn’t get a chance to post Greg’s sermon from his ongoing series last week so here’s our catch up post. Enjoy! If you’d like to watch the sermons in their entirety, you can find them on the Woodland Hills Church sermon page.  

Sermon Clip: Don’t Be A Butthead

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