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Forgiving the Unforgivable

malik richmondOsheta Moore wrote a courageous and challenging post last week entitled Washing the Feet of the Steubenville Rapists. It’s not an easy read, and if you’re vulnerable to triggers in this area, you might want to exercise caution. But Osheta offers a glimpse of redemption in the darkest of places. Can we move towards forgiveness and grace in these places of horror?

From her blog post:

As much as it’s against my nature as a mama, a woman, and an abuse survivor, I believe the Kingdom response to these boys whose choices have made them my enemy is to love them and to be willing to take my lead from Jesus; our  Someone, who washed the feet of his betrayer and prayed for forgiveness for his tortures while nailed to a cross.

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When Repentance is No Longer Possible

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Drum Roll Please: Greg’s Final Critique of Bart Ehrman’s Article

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From Good Friday to Easter

This weekend as you contemplate the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, we pray that God will reveal his unfathomable love for you in new ways. Blessings to all of you from all of us at ReKnew. Photo credit: Claudio  via Visualhunt / CC BY

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Christmas Greeting from Greg

Blessings and God’s peace to all of you from all of us at ReKnew.