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Greg and Bruxy Pulpit Swap

Greg Boyd and Bruxy Cavey swapped pulpits last weekend. Here are a couple of clips to give you an idea of what each of them offered. You can access the full sermons here and here.

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What Jesus Revealed About Being Human

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Homosexuality and the Church: Finding a “Third Way”

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Greg and N.T. Wright at the Missio Alliance Gathering!

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Benefit of the Doubt Is Here!

Benefit of the Doubt is finally here and you should definitely get yourself a copy! Frank Viola interviewed Greg about the book recently and you can read it over on Frank’s blog Beyond Evangelical. In fact, Frank is so enthusiastic about the book that he added it to his Best 100 Christian Books Ever Written list. Wow. Also,…

Sermon: Diaper Power

In this short clip from Greg Boyd’s Sermon Diaper Power, he introduces the theme of the sermon where talks about how the poverty of the manger exemplified the power of God. In this sermon, Greg shows that God really is like the baby swaddled in clothes in the manger. The kind of power that God…

Sermon Clip: Does Romans 9 predestine you to Hell?

Did God predestine you to Hell? Can he even do that? In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd talks about his own struggles when trying to understand Romans 9 which on the surface seems to imply that God determines who goes to heaven and hell. In the full sermon, Greg takes a deep look at…