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Conference: Faith, Doubt & the Idol of Certainty

We’re really excited about Greg’s book, Benefit of the Doubt, coming out in September. In fact, we’re SO excited that we want to invite you all to a conference we’re holding September 27-28, 2013 at Woodland Hills Church. You can get all the information you could ever hope for by clicking here. We’ll be exploring the relationship between faith and doubt, and the damaging effects of the idolatrous need for certainty. We hope you can join us!

Related Reading

Lighten Up: You Gotta Believe In Something, Man!

Two things here: 1) How does this philosopher not see that “not believing in believing” is itself a belief? 2) Is that a turtleneck or is that philosopher just really hairy?

Everybody’s Got A Hungry Heart [Sermon, 7/1/12]

Check out Greg’s latest sermon!

Description from WHC website:

Paul wrote the Colossians to confront a false religion of invoking angels. These invocations were being done because people thought Jesus wasn’t enough. This same type of thought pervades our own society, where people with hungry hearts are searching for more than what Jesus offers. In this sermon, Greg talks about the fullness that Jesus brings.


Publisher’s Weekly Review of Benefit of the Doubt

Publisher’s Weekly gave us a positive review and highly recommends Greg’s book. You can find the review here. You can order a copy of Benefit of the Doubt on Amazon.

Imaging God Wrongly: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 2

Our relationship with God depends on the way we imagine God. When we get the image of God right, the doors open for us to trust and relate to God in the ways we were created to do. But there are so many images of God that are entirely messed up. Just think about the…


Another Great Reason to Join Us for the ReKnew Conference: NDY

As if you needed another reason to join us for Faith, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, I’ll tell you that Greg’s band NDY is playing a free concert at 8:15pm at Woodland Hills Church the Friday night of the conference. Now get on that registration and join us, won’t you?

Trusting God for the Wrong Things

Chloe was a smart, personable, and devoted Christian student from South America whom I had the pleasure of teaching in several theology classes. In one meeting, Chloe confessed that, despite the confident appearance that she projected, she actually lived with a sense of guilt and had never felt like a good Christian. In fact, Chloe…