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Lighten Up: Good Question

Foxtrot by Bill Amend

Foxtrot by Bill Amend

Related Reading

What is the significance of Jeremiah 42:9-16?

Through Jeremiah the Lord tells Israel “If you stay in this land, I will build you up and not tear you down; I will plant you and not uproot you, for I have relented concerning the disaster I have inflicted on you” (vs. 10). Then, a few verses later, he says, “However, if you say,…


Lighten Up: Christians Under Attack

Lighten Up: Your Heart is Showing

Friday Lights: Jesus Isn’t Always the Answer

Each Friday we post content sent to us by our readers that is inspiring, funny, lighthearted or just generally fun. If you’d like more information on submitting content for this feature you can get more information here. The reader who directed us to the Redeeming God piece we highlighted today wished to remain anonymous. Hey Anonymous: thanks anyway! (You know who…

What is the significance of Ezekiel 12:1–3?

The Lord has Ezekiel symbolically enact Israel’s exile as a warning and remarks, “Perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious house” (vs. 3). Though Israel repeatedly surprised God by their persistent rebellion, he nevertheless continued to hold out hope and thus to strive with them to participate in a covenant relationship with him.…


An Open Orthodoxy

 Sharon Mollerus via Compfight Our friends Tom Belt and Dwayne Polk recently started a blog called An Open Orthodoxy. This is going to be something you’ll want to follow. Really smart guys with something to say. They posted this clarification on the defining claim and core convictions of open theism that hits the nail on…