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Lighten Up: Eat, Pray, Love


Related Reading

Speaking of “the Poor”

D. L. Mayfield wrote this guest post on Love is What You Do titled The Language of Poverty. How do we think of and interact with “the poor” on a daily basis? Here’s some good insights should impact our lives as Kingdom people. From the article: Words like “the poor” mean something. They are rich,…

How God Changes the World

God’s hopes for us began before the creation of the world. And what God intended from the beginning gives us insight into how God works to bring about what he intends. In the first chapter of Ephesians, Paul teaches that God “chose us in [Christ] before the creation of the world to be holy and…

Love That Keeps On Giving

In English, we have one word for love. In ancient Greek, there were four different words that we can translate as “love.” And each has a different meaning. Let’s consider each briefly. Storge—referred to a person’s affection for something. When we say we love our car or a person’s smile or another’s ability to sing,…

Lighten Up: The Down Side of Free Will

Lighten Up: Your Church Should Welcome This Friend

Cartoon via nakedpastor.com

Lighten Up: Don’t Skip The Not-Being-A-Jerk-About-It Part