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Lighten Up: Eat, Pray, Love
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Kingdom Living, Lighten Up, Love, Naked Pastor, Prayer
Related Reading
God is Love: Full Stop
Not many Christians would disagree that God is love, but many would quickly qualify that with some other kind of attribute such as justice. But love is not just one of the attributes of God alongside all others. Love is the essence of all the attributes of God. If you’d like to hear the entire sermon, you…
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Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It’s a profoundly Kingdom teaching. It seems to me, however, that few people adopt Ghandi’s philosophy. It’s far easier to focus our attention on how others should change. It’s far easier to spend our energy assigning blame for the problems of society…
How Much Is Enough?
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A Cross-Like Church
When God’s church loves like God loves—which means valuing the other at cost to self—it will puzzle those outside the church. While such love might cause the religious to rail with outrage, it will cause the searching and the hungry to ask, “how can people love like this?” In God’s plan, this puzzle is what…
The Case For Believer’s Baptism
In this essay I briefly present my reasons for believing that baptism is intended only for people who are old enough to responsibly choose to become disciples of Jesus. I will first offer several biblical arguments, then offer a supporting argument and conclude by responding to several objects to believer’s baptism. Biblical Arguments Baptism…