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Trinity and Love
There is a lot of mystery around the concept of the Trinity, and because the word is not used in Scripture some people think it’s not “Biblical”. David D. Flowers posted a very clear and concise article on the history and reality of the Trinity. This is a really helpful and quick resource for anyone who has wondered about this. Check it out!
Here’s an excerpt from David’s piece:
One of the most logical and practical insights into the triune God begins with the universally celebrated Christian confession: “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). OK, how can we know that? More specifically, why does John believe it?
Listen to his answer: “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world…” (1 Jn 4:9a NIV). John is saying that “God is love” and we can know it because Jesus has revealed God in all of his fullness!
Robert Barron, Catholic thinker and practitioner, says, “Love isn’t just something God does, it’s who God is.” Think about that.
Category: General
Tags: David D. Flowers, God is Love, Love, Trinity
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