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Lighten Up: MEology

charles-barsotti-once-you-get-past-the-divine-right-of-kings-i-m-not-much-into-theology-new-yorker-cartoonIt might be a red flag if you’re only interested in theology that serves your interests.

Related Reading

Sermon Clip: God In The Gallows

Greg has recently returned from a three week trip in Europe, and today he shares stories of how the Kingdom message of a Jesus-looking God, radical love and non-violence is truly spreading all over the world. You can view the full sermon here: http://whchurch.org/sermons-media/sermon/god-in-the-gallows

Lighten Up: Dear Moms…

Lighten Up: When Dogs Get to Heaven

Lighten Up: Arming Jesus

This is an actual product that you can buy. But don’t. Please don’t.

Lighten Up: Other People’s Sins

Cartoon via Adventures of the Holy Ghost Thanks for the heads up @andrewhaak!

Lighten Up: Who Sees the Real You?

It’s a good question. Many times, as Christians, we can get stuck hiding who we really are because we think we’re not good enough or some other such nonsense. But the real you is the one Jesus loves. Honest.