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Lighten Up: Full of Possibilities


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End of Year Reflection

As we approach the end of this year, I’d like to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are invested in ReKnew. Honestly, your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial support mean the world to me and to the entire ReKnew team. It has been a truly exciting year. I…

Did Free Will Evolve? (podcast)

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Lighten Up: Bruxy Bloopers

https://youtu.be/pwV4WTR0nWw We love it when preachers have a well-developed sense of their own silliness.

How can prayer change God’s mind?

You’ve argued that since God is all-good, he’s always doing the most he can do in every situation to bring about good. But you have also argued that prayer can change God’s mind. How are these two beliefs compatible?

Podcast: Are We REALLY Free if God is Going to Ultimately Trump Our Choices?

Greg looks at the nature of freewill, specifically: how God’s promises constricts human free will. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0070.mp3

How do you respond to Acts 2:23 and 4:28?

Question: Acts 2:23 and 4:28 tell us that wicked people crucified Jesus just as God predestined them to do. If this wicked act could be predestined, why couldn’t every other wicked act be predestined? Doesn’t this refute your theory that human acts can’t be free if they are either predestined or foreknown? Answer: In Acts…
