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Dying to Live

Image by Benjamin Corey

A few days ago, Benjamin Corey over at Formerly Fundy posted a blog about an encounter he had with God in the Holy Land. He shared that he’s been going through a difficult time, and that God met him in a desolate place to speak to him. You should definitely hop over and read the whole article. Here’s a short snippet to give you an idea of what God said to him:

Letting go and embracing death to ourselves, death to hopes, and death to our own dreams so that something new and beautiful can grow out of that death is hard– especially since our part is just the dying part– and that we have to wait and trust for the fruit it will bring. Yet, I believe with all my being, that this is the crazy, illogical life that God invites us into.

And this is the backwards invitation of God: if we want to truly live, we first must become willing to die.

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