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Help Us Name Our Connecting Site!

As most of you know, there is a fledgling kingdom movement that is rising up around the globe today. It is a post-Christendom, neo-Anabaptist movement that I’ve sometimes described as “a Jesus-looking God raising up a Jesus-looking people to transform the world in a Jesus-kind-of-way” – though the description would be more accurate (but also more awkward) if you substituted “crucified Christ” for “Jesus.”

At any rate, once people catch this vision, they often don’t feel altogether at home in their more traditional churches. And so, two or three times a week over the last two years, I have been asked by someone if I know of churches or individuals in their locale that more or less share this kingdom vision. I am convinced that one of the things that will prove most important to networking this movement and give people more of a sense of belonging to a large “tribe” is a way for people and churches to start to connect with one another.

So, in response to this need, ReKnew has been working with Barbara Schendel Kent, our chief website designer, to create a website that contains a global on-line map on which individuals, small groups, house churches, traditional style churches, and organizations who share this kingdom vision can self-register and begin communicating with one another.

The project is close to being completed. About the only thing still lacking is a name.

We were going to call it “Kingdom Connection,” but we finally decided against it. Since many people associate the “kingdom of God” with the question of “who is saved,” this title might give the mistaken impression that we think that people who don’t shared the Jesus-looking vision of God and his kingdom are not “saved.”

So we’re soliciting your help. Can you suggest some names for this website? We’re looking for something that is creative and edgy and that perhaps communicates something of the distinct kingdom vision of those who will be registered on this site but without sounding exclusionary.

Please send your proposals to https://reknew.org/survey/.

We’ll express our gratitude to the person who proposes the name we end up using, or that at least most influences the name we end up using, by giving them a signed copy of any book of mine that they want (except for my doctoral dissertation which costs a gazillion dollars). And if two or more people propose the same winning name, well, they all get a free book!

So get the creative juices flowing, and please pass the word on.

And, by the way, you are not limited to just one suggestion. So brainstorm!

We’d like to have this site up and running by mid-February, so consider February 14th the deadline!

This site is going to ROCK!


Greg Boyd

Photo credit: Wicker Paradise via Visual Hunt / CC BY

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