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Black Lives Matter, the Police and Spiritual Warfare

Black Lives Matter, the Police, and Spiritual Warfare

Christ calls us to stand for a different kind of kingdom and this requires that we think in different ways about the violence that is gripping our country. In this short clip from Greg’s sermon this last weekend, we are introduced to a different way. Listen and hear the challenge to understand the deeper reality that is going on. If you’d like to view the whole sermon you can find it here.

Related Reading

Podcast: Is Accepting Evolution with All It’s Violence Compatible with Believing in a Loving Creator?

Greg considers the violence inherent in evolution (and in nature itself) in light of our belief in an all-loving creator. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0169.mp3

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In this episode Greg clarifies how politics can be dangerous and why some people might want to avoid it. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0045.mp3

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Image via nakedpastor.com

Jesus Said, “Buy a sword.” What did he mean?

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