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Podcast: Why Is Secular Music So Much Better Than Christian Music?

Greg considers the challenges of Christian music.


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

The Missing Jesus

Jonathan Martin wrote this compelling blog on the missing Jesus last month. It’s a thoughtful reflection on how easy it is to put Jesus in a box that conforms to our political, religious or social agenda. But the real Jesus is not an idea; he’s a person. And he’s a person who is constantly breaking…

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Eustace the Dragon at Groundswell Tomorrow

Our friends Eustace the Dragon have been really busy lately developing new material. If you’re in the Twin Cities and want to hear them they’ll be playing as a part of Groundswell Coffee’s Cheer and Beer event. There’s a $5 cover, but don’t let that stop you. It’s going to be a blast. And if you…

Following Jesus from the Margins

D. Sharon Pruitt via Compfight Kurt Willems posted a reflection today entitled From the Margins: Following Jesus in a post-Christian culture. I hope everyone will read this. It’s a perspective from the anabaptist tradition that finds inspiration from the same data that evangelicalism finds alarming. May we all follow Jesus from the margins and offer…

Podcast: How Can I Protect My Kids from the Violence in Media?

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Podcast: What if I Don’t Like Church?

Greg and Dan talk about what to do when we do not like church.  http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0450b.mp3

Guest Post: Culture War Neighbors by Bonnie Kristian

Matteo Parrini via Compfight The first time I was aware of meeting a gay person, I was 18. I took a summer job waiting tables, and it turned out two of my coworkers were attracted to people of the same sex. One, a waiter in his 40s, fit every stereotype on Will and Grace. The…