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A Natural Disaster With No One to Blame
In a recent article from Relevant Magazine, Denver Pastor Michael Hidalgo asks, “why are the leaders who claim that God acts through natural disasters so quiet all of a sudden?”
These leaders who have seemed to be so quick to say, for example, the destruction in Haiti was God’s punishment for their ungodliness seem to be less enthusiastic to claim God’s judgment upon Colorado Springs, CO–a nexus of home bases for several Christian organizations.
Hidalgo goes on:
It seems the only thing these leaders who blame others for natural disasters have admitted is they believe God can’t possibly put up with others who are not like them. While they seem to enjoy the opportunity to blame and level accusation, they forget God is not the one who is called “the accuser.”
Check out the full article here.
You can read Greg’s own past reflections on this subject through the links below:
Photo from Relevant Magazine.
Category: General
Tags: Problem of Evil, Providence
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