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Engaging the Culture
Mark McIntyre shares some thoughts here on the culture wars that often define our relationship to the world outside of the Church. We are called to be a people who are known by our love rather than our stance on this or that social issue. Are we really known this way? Mark’s words are a challenge to all of us to take care in how we relate to those who do not share our faith.
From the article:
I would remind followers of Jesus Christ that the one we follow told us that our defining characteristic is to be love. Jesus did not say we would be defined by our finely wrought theology. Nor did he indicate that we should be defined by our organizational prowess. It is love that is to distinguish us from the surrounding culture.
Image by Kevin Dooley. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Culture, Kingdom Living
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