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Still Forming

Audire_Banner_Still_FormingHi Everyone,

The Open Theism conference was a huge blessing for us. We’ll be talking more about that in the coming days and giving you information on how to access video of some of the speakers. But today we wanted to share something about spiritual formation and a very old way of reading the Bible in a deeper way.

Christianne Squires writes a blog called Still Forming that is designed to help you deepen your walk with God. Every Sunday she also sends out a letter called A Cup of Sunday Quiet where she includes links to the previous week’s posts as well as a Lectio Divina meditation. (You can subscribe to this letter via her blog.) Lectio Divina is a practice that involves reading a portion of scripture a number of times very slowly to allow the Spirit to speak to you in particular ways. Today, we invite you to practice this way of praying and reading scripture with Christianne. You can find the audio meditation here. We hope it blesses you!

Related Reading

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