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Our Sacred Scared

Day 5/365 - Night Terrors

Tom Lin via Compfight

Glennon Doyle Melton is the voice behind Momastery. She is a brave, funny and challenging writer who has decided to tell the truth after years of drug and alcohol abuse and bulemia. Recently, Glennon has invited a series of men and women (including Rachel Held Evans, Jamie the Very Worst Missionary, Tara Livesay, Sarah Bessey, Nate Pyle and others) to share their sacred scared, the thing they are most fearful of. You should check out these short confessions. You’ll feel less alone.

Glennon did this to prove that we’re all messy and scared and radically imperfect, but that doesn’t have to stop us from getting out there and making a difference. In the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, we just might miss out on the life God is calling us to.

Listen to what she has to say about this:

I kind of wish we’d stop obsessing about improving ourselves all the time. I’m simply suggesting that maybe you can show up for life as you are. Maybe you don’t need to wait till you have it “all together” to follow your dreams and serve other people. I’m worried that if you wait ‘till you or your people are less messy to start showing up –  you’ll never show up. Because life never, ever stops being messy. It’s messy the whole way through. And so I think we gotta show up in the middle of the mess. We gotta raise our hands and say “HELLO, EVERYBODY! I’M GLENNON! IM A LITTLE CONFUSED AND TIRED AND IMPATIENT AND MY PEOPLE DRIVE ME INSANE AND I HAVE ALL THESE VARIOUS DISEASES AND MY FAMILY’S A LITTLE BANGED UP- BUT I’M PRETTY SURE THAT’S JUST LIFE – SO I’M HERE TO HELP ANYWAY.”

So go ahead, do it scared.

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