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Lighten Up: Um…

ChurchSigns1Don’t hurt the people.

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Believing the Best About Political Opponents

The surprising election of Donald Trump to President of the United Stated has exposed a profound, anger-filled divide running through the center of the American population. I would like to speak to the many Christians who are on the side of the divide that is outraged by his victory. In light of the offensive things Trump…

Lighten Up: Disruptive Thinkers

Image from ASBO Jesus  

Lighten Up: Drummer

The fun starts in this video after the first minute or so. Greg could learn a thing or two about drumming and passion from this guy. Happy Friday!

The Longing of Advent

The Advent season is a time of anticipating the coming of God, in Christ, a time of turning our imagination toward the revelation of God’s love for us. This after all is the deepest longing of our heart, and our natural longings always point us to something real. We grow hungry only because there’s such…

Sermon Clip: The Cross and the Tree

In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses how Christians should react to the world with love. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were tempted to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They did this because they didn’t understand that God was protecting them. In this sermon, Greg…

Lighten Up: MEology

It might be a red flag if you’re only interested in theology that serves your interests.