
Why? The Question That Cannot Be Answered
Category: General
Tags: Complexity, Mystery, Problem of Evil, Theodicy
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Yesterday Greg sent out the following flurry of tweets: To provide some background to these tweets, the following illustration will prove helpful: They mystery of evil and an eight-second interval Let’s assume that there is…

The Most Subtle of Idolatries
Category: General
Tags: Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion
In our fallen state, separated from our true source center, we live from the knowledge of good and evil regardless of the particular idols from which we try to get life. [see yesterday’s post] Some…

What Went Wrong in the Garden of Eden?
Category: General
Tags: Garden of Eden, Idolatry, Judgment, Repenting of Religion, Sin, Temptation
Topics: Creation Care
When Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they imposed their will into the center of Paradise, and this was the act that destroyed Paradise. They invaded the proper domain of God. Instead of recognizing…

Is America Uniquely “Under God”?
Category: General
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, National Idolatry, Nationalism, Theocracy
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
As a rallying slogan for our civil religion, the proclamation that we are “one nation under God” arguably serves a useful social function, for it gives many Americans a sense of shared values and vision….

Lighten Up: Wanna Party?
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Greg Boyd, Haiti, Kòt a Kòt, Lighten Up, NDY, Not Dead Yet, Rock and Roll
Tonight at 8:30pm Greg’s band NDY (Not Dead Yet) will be playing at O’Gara’s party room “The Shanty” in St. Paul. The gig will benefit Kòt a Kòt, a non-profit that helps at-risk young women in Haiti,…

On Dying and Compassion
Category: General
Tags: Brittany Maynard, Compassion, Death, Jessica Kelley
Last week many of us were talking about end of life issues after we viewed Brittany Maynard’s heartbreaking video sharing her decision to take her own life in the face of her terminal illness and the prospect of…

Lighten Up: Believing in Believing
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
OK, we don’t really think this is the difference between theology and philosophy, but how does this guy not get that not believing in believing is, itself, a belief?

Is God Trying to Tell Us Something Through Blood Moons?
Category: General
Tags: Blood Moons, Four Blood Moons, John Hagee, Signs
This week we experienced the second of a series of four “blood moons.” If you’ve read John Hagee’s book Four Blood Moons: Something Is About To Change, you might be inclined to believe that God is…

Greg on Hell
Category: General
Tags: Annihilationism, Hell
What is your doctrine of hell? In this podcast, Greg will challenge your assumptions while he explains how his view of hell has evolved. He introduces his view, some of the objections to his view,…

Are We Supposed to Balance Love and Truth?
Category: General
Tags: God is Love, Holiness, Love, Love One Another, Repenting of Religion, Truth, Wrath
Often people say, “Yes we must love. But we must balance love with truth.” “Love has its place, but we must not forget God’s wrath.” “Love must never take the place of correct biblical doctrine.”…
Lighten Up: Dance
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Dance, Joy, Lighten Up, Soul Pancake
We should dance more.

Why We Can’t Know Why Bad Things Happen
Category: General
Tags: Chaos Theory, Is God to Blame?, Problem of Evil, Suffering, The Butterfly Effect, Variables
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Science has demonstrated that the slightest variation in a sufficiently complex process at one point may cause remarkable variations in that process at another point. It’s called chaos theory. The flap of a butterfly wing…

Is Suffering Part of God’s Secret Plan?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Compassion, Faith, Is God to Blame?, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare, Suffering, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will, The Problem of Evil
In the Christian tradition since Augustine, the most common explanation for the apparent arbitrariness of life and God’s interaction with humanity has been God’s mysterious will—his “secret plan,” as Calvin says. Whether or not a…

War in the Heavens!
Category: General
Tags: David D. Flowers, God, Quantum Physics, Satan, Satan and the Problem of Evil, Warfare Worldview
What does spiritual warfare look like from the perspective of the physical world? Our friend David D. Flowers speculated on that question in a post he entitled Dark Matter vs Dark Energy: War in the Heavens. Referencing Greg’s…

Reasons God Does Not Control Everything
Category: General
Tags: Change, God, Open Theism, time
First, the belief that God is all-powerful does not mean that God exercises all power. It only means that God is the ultimate source of all power. Fallen people may value the ability to control…

Lighten Up: Looking a Gift Miracle in the Mouth
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Lighten Up, Miracles

Doing the Kingdom, Not Voting It In
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Love, Myth of a Christian Nation, Unsurpassable Worth
Our central job is not to solve the world’s problems. Our job is to draw our entire life from Christ and manifest that life to others. Nothing could be simpler—and nothing could be more challenging….

What Kind of Sinners Feel Welcomed by Your Church?
Category: General
Tags: Church, Homosexuality, Judgment, Kingdom Living, Repenting of Religion, Sin, Sinners
Perhaps the greatest indictment on evangelical churches today is that they are not generally known as refuge houses for sinners—places where hurting, wounded, sinful people can run and find love that does not question, an…