On Driving and Unsurpassable Worth
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Peacemaking
Our friends the Livesay’s live and work in Haiti, and their blog is amazing. They posted a reflection today entitled On Driving and Unsurpassable Worth. It’s so worth reading. From the article: Annoyed with someone?…
The Cost of Holding On
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Simplicity
Given Greg’s recent Twitter comments on the question of how we view what we own, we thought this article in the New York Times was particularly timely. What is the cost of holding onto things?…
An Uneasy History
Category: General
Tags: Racial Reconciliation
Although Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as a tireless champion for the equal rights of African Americans, there are many indications that he held views that we would find shocking today. It’s important to understand…
Lighten Up: Loving Your Political Enemies
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up, Politics
Image from Radio Free Babylon.

Secularism vs. Atheism
Category: General
Tags: Atheism, Secularism
Do you know the difference between secularism and atheism? Now you do…
Is Faith Inherently Irrational?
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Theology
Is Faith Inherently Irrational? Many people seem to assume that faith is giving credence to things that don’t make much sense and for which there is little or no evidence. Take the doctrine of the…

Speaking of Tragedies
Category: General
Tags: Problem of Evil, Racial Reconciliation
Since we’ve been reflecting on recent tragedies and the varying responses to them, we thought we would add this voice to the mix. This article from the New Yorker points out the differences in media…
The Benefit of the Doubt
Category: General
Tags: Faith, ReKnew
In my last two posts (here and here) I’ve given five arguments against the common way Evangelical Christians tend to think about faith. More specifically, I’m calling into question the assumption that a person’s faith…
Greg and Paul Tag Team to Answer Your Questions
Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy answered questions submitted from Woodland Hills Church and podcasters during all three services this last Saturday and Sunday. They covered a wide range of topics so, chances are, you’ll find…
Why Racial Reconciliation Matters
Category: General
Tags: Racial Reconciliation
Rachel Held Evans invited Grace Biskie to reflect on racial reconciliation on her blog this week. Grace’s perspective is an important one to hear. Check out Church Stories: A Plea to Engage in Racial Reconciliation….
A Cross-Centered Evaluation of Responses to Tragedy
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Free Will, Predestination, Problem of Evil, Responding to Calvinism
I’d like to pick up where I left off on my previous post about Draper’s article entitled “Aurora shooting inspires various perspectives on God and belief.” Toward the end of his article, Draper reports on an…
Tragedy Strikes and Coherence Goes Out the Window
Category: General
Tags: Free Will, Problem of Evil, Responding to Calvinism, Theology
I encourage you to read Aurora shooting inspires various perspectives on God and belief, written by Electa Draper and published on the front page of the Denver Post Monday. The article shows how differently believers…
You’re Invited!
Category: General
Greg will be speaking at Mars Hill in Michigan on Sunday, August 26th if you’d like to come and hear him. Join us if you can!
True Serenity
Andrew Sullivan pointed readers today to this meditation on two sources of spiritual serenity. Rather than relying on the absence of conflict or our own privilege, the writer asks us to go deeper to the…
Lighten Up: When God Drags Us
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up
How often do you think God drags you? We suspect, out of love, he does this quite a bit.
From the Heart: Letters of Thanks
Category: General
Tags: From the Heart, Testimonies
Periodically we’d like to post testimonies that come to us via reader emails. We’re so grateful that this ministry has a real life impact on so many, and getting these letters makes it all worthwhile….
Rethinking Our View of Faith
Category: General
Tags: Faith, ReKnew
The second conviction of the “ReKnew Manifesto” is that we need to rethink what it means to have faith. It’s my impression that many, if not most, Evangelical Christians associate their assurance that they’re “saved”…
Lighten Up: Election Season Blues
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up, Politics
It’s a little sad (but still pretty funny) that there are actual campaign posters similar to this one. The next time you get fed up or discouraged with all the over-the-top election ads, you might…
Religion and Politics in Israel
Category: General
Tags: Politics
This article, sent to us last week from a blog reader (thanks Beth!), discusses the problems that were created when Israel fused religion with politics. We aren’t endorsing all of the assumptions of the author, but it’s…