
Lighten Up: Ball and Chain Theology
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: David Hayward, Division, Naked Pastor, Theology, Unity
Let’s not allow our theology to keep us from encountering one another in meaningful ways.

“I’m Saved, but I Still Struggle. Why?”
Category: Q&A
Tags: Escaping the Matrix, The Mind, Transformation
Topics: Sin
Many people become Christians thinking that salvation means that they will be free from the struggle with sinful behaviors or destructive ways of thinking. How can Christ live in us while at the same time…

Faith, Healing & Modern Medicine
Category: General
Tags: healing, Kingdom, Mental Illness
On Monday, we offered a post related to the struggles of Robin Williams that referred to how chemical imbalance can cause depression and how those who struggle have this condition should seek medical help. However,…

David Flowers on the Theo Graff Podcast
Category: General
Tags: David Flowers, T.C. Moore, THEO GRAFF PODCAST
Our friend David Flowers was interviewed by T. C. Moore for the Theo Graff Podcast. David floated onto our radar a couple of years ago and we hope you’ll check him out. He has a…

Depression and Willpower
Category: General
Tags: Depression, Escaping the Matrix, Judgment, Mental Illness, Robin Williams
In Greg’s book Escaping the Matrix, he and his co-author discuss the topic of depression. Having experienced first hand the effects of depression, we, the editors at ReKnew, recognize that this short post cannot address…

Something Further on Ferguson: I Raise My Hands
Category: General
Tags: Ferguson, Michael Brown, Osheta Moore, Racial Reconciliation, White Privilege
Osheta Moore is a friend of ReKnew with a unique Kingdom vision. She is a voice you will want to be listening to. She wrote this sensitive and prophetic piece on her personal response to…

Lighten Up: Experience Informs
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Justice, Lighten Up, Racism, White Privilege
If you don’t think the world is filled with injustice, it might be because you’re at the top of the food chain.

Ferguson, Racism, & the Kingdom
Category: General
Tags: Breaking Down Walls, Ferguson, Kingdom, Michael Brown, Myth of a Christian Religion, Racial Reconciliation, Racism, White Privilege
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
In light of the issues that have arisen in Ferguson, Mo this last week (for more on this click here), we thought we would offer some reflections on this topic from Greg that he wrote…

Do You Have Enough Faith?
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Covenant, Doubt, Faith
What does it actually mean to have faith? This is a topic I address at length in Benefit of the Doubt, but this post provides a very basic answer to this question. To appropriately understand…

Our Lives Matter
Category: General
Tags: Robin Williams, Suicide
In the immediate aftermath of the death of Robin Williams yesterday, Eugene Cho wrote a tender piece entitled Remember that our lives matter. Remember to be more human – to loved ones, neighbors, and strangers…

How Can Salvation by Grace Involve Free Will?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Free Will, Grace, Salvation, TULIP
Topics: Death and Salvation, Responding to Objections
How does salvation by grace work if people have free will? If salvation hinges on whether individuals choose to be saved or not, is salvation based on grace or works? If we have to choose…

God is Not What You Expect
Category: General
Tags: Attributes of God, Character of God, God is Love, Jesus
Jesus came, in part, to finally reveal the absolute truth about God. He is the way and the truth (alethia) and the life (Jn 14:6). The word “truth” means “uncovered.” And what we find once…

Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture Matthew 22 & Romans 13
Category: General
As Christians, can you really be a part of both the kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of this world? How do we love our enemies as a Christian, but despise our enemies as…

Is God Immutable? Part II
Category: Q&A
Tags: Attributes of God, God's Character, time
Topics: Attributes and Character
Yesterday, we looked at the common understanding of divine immutability and the problems inherent to it. Click here to read that post. Today, let’s look at what the immutability of God actually means. Instead of…

Is God Immutable? Part I
Category: Q&A
Tags: Attributes of God, Character of God, God, Jesus, time
Topics: Attributes and Character
For a number of reasons, Plato believed that something changes only to become better or to become worse (Rep. II). Since a perfect being can’t be improved or diminished, he argued, God must be completely…

Lighten Up: Meet Jesus
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Foot Washing, Jesus, Lighten Up, Power, Servant
Not what you were expecting?

What Hinders Answers to Prayer
Category: General
Tags: Angels, Free Will, Prayer, Warfare Worldview
Prayer is powerful and effective, but it’s not magic. There is no automatic guarantee that what we’re praying for is going to come to pass, even when we’re praying with faith and in accordance with…

Analogies For Understanding Prayer
Category: General
Tags: God's Will, Partnering With God, Prayer, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
God is all-powerful, which means he owns all the “say-so” there is. But when he decided to populate the creation with free agents, he gave each human various units of “say-so.” [Click here for yesterday’s…

Your Spiritual “Say-So”
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Prayer, Relationships
In yesterday’s post, I summarized what Jesus and the rest of the Bible says about prayer. For many, that is enough. “God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me.” But for others, like…