Lighten Up: Surprise!
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up
Greg discusses how God is not a “Thor” God zapping people on a whim. And then…

Terror in the Night
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Fear, God, God's Love, Q&A, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
I’ll never forget the night it first happened to me. I was thirteen, sharing a bedroom with my older brother. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt as if something was…

NDY Happiness
Category: General
Tags: Haiti, Kòt a Kòt, NDY, Not Dead Yet
Greg’s band, NDY (Not Dead Yet) has a couple of gigs coming up soon. We wanted to give you a heads up that they’ll be playing at the Dugout in Mahtomedi on May 3rd at…

Old and New
Category: General
Tags: Art, Bible, Old and New Project
Old & New – Round 3 Trailer by Fred Sprinkle. Our good friend Jim LePage is a graphic artist with amazing talent. Some of you are familiar with him via his work for Woodland Hills or…

From Boston, With Love
Category: General
Tags: Boston Bombings, Cruciform Theology, Forgiveness, Jesus, Mercy, Peacemaking, T.C. Moore
We posted some of T. C. Moore’s reflections on the Open 2013 conference earlier this week. T. C. lives in Boston and was deeply moved by the violence and terror that came to his city….
Lighten Up: Street Compliments
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Lighten Up, Love, Soul Pancake
When was the last time you paid a sincere compliment? It’s magical.

The Extremity of God’s Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Father, God, Godhead, Jesus, Love, Sacrifice, Separation, Trinity, Unity
Topics: Atonement and The Cross
In response to questions he has received about whether Jesus was actually separated from the Father on the cross, Greg fleshes out his perspective on this. The love that unites the Trinity is the very…
Sermon Clip: Waking from Oz
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Contentment, Desires, Faith, Sermons, Wizard of Oz
In this unique sermon clip, Greg Boyd explains to us his “Theory of OZ” based on the movie Wizard of Oz. In the movie Wizard of Oz, the characters are all looking for something they…

On Attending to the Light in Darkness
Category: General
Tags: Boston Bombings, Donald Miller, Evil, Jesus
Joe Spurr via Compfight Donald Miller has posted a reflection on his Storyline blog about highlighting goodness and thereby pointing to Jesus in the aftermath of events such as the bombing in Boston this week. We…

Reflecting on Open2013
Category: General
Tags: Boston Bombings, Open Theism, T.C. Moore
T. C. Moore has posted some of his reflections from the Open Theism conference. T. C. was one of several people who pulled this conference together and he did a great job. He’s also incredibly smart…

An Open Orthodoxy
Category: General
Tags: An Open Orthodoxy, Dwayne Polk, Open Theism, Tom Belt
Sharon Mollerus via Compfight Our friends Tom Belt and Dwayne Polk recently started a blog called An Open Orthodoxy. This is going to be something you’ll want to follow. Really smart guys with something to…

Bowing to the American Flag. Literally.
Category: General
Tags: Kurt Willems, Political Idolatry, Prayer
Kurt Willems shared this interesting item he found on Amazon. In the product description it admonishes us to: Submit yourself to the Prayer Bench and open up your life to receive more of God. Hmmmmmm. How about…

Catching up with Sermons
Category: General
Here’s some sneak peeks of the last two weeks of sermons from Greg. We got a little behind with the conference and all. If you’d like to listen to the full sermons you can visit…
Lighten Up: Existential French Cat
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Existentialism, Humor, Lighten Up
In honor of Greg’s background in philosophy and existentialism, we thought we would treat you to the thoughts of Henri, the existential French cat. Maybe it also has something to do with the fact that…

The Testimony of Life and Death
Category: General
Tags: Andrew Sullivan, Compassion, David Kuo, Death, Evangelism, Politics
David Kuo was a friend of ours. He was a passionate voice calling the church away from political division and calling us towards compassionate engagement. He succumbed to brain cancer this last week after a…

On Mental Illness and Jumping from a Burning Building
Category: General
Tags: Ann Voskamp, Compassion, Love, Matthew Warren, Rick Warren, Suffering, Suicide
seyed mostafa zamani via Compfight Ann Voskamp wrote this piece in the wake of the suicide of Rick Warren’s son. It’s disheartening to hear so many thoughtless and cruel comments by other Christians when tragedies…

The Gift of Smallness
Category: General
Tags: Father, Humility, Jonathan Martin, Love, Rest
ram reddy via Compfight Jonathan Martin wrote this piece entitled Feeling at home in my smallness a couple of weeks ago. If you’ve been feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders…

Still Forming
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Christianne Squires, Lectio Divina, Meditation, Prayer, Scripture
Hi Everyone, The Open Theism conference was a huge blessing for us. We’ll be talking more about that in the coming days and giving you information on how to access video of some of the…