
Your Identity In Christ
Category: General
Hello folks, I spent last week in London speaking at Revive, the annual get together of Ichthus Christian Fellowship headed up by Roger and Faith Forster. It was, as they say over there, “lovely” and…

Dr. Gates’ Arrest and Racial Profiling
Category: General
I’m sure most of you have heard of the arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates, an African American professor at Harvard University. A neighbor called police because they thought a black man was trying to…

Jesus’ Repudiation of Old Testament Violence
Category: General
Hello Internet comrades, Some of you who have been visiting this site for a while may recall that I spend several months last year, beginning around March, blogging mostly about the problem of reconciling the…

How Does God Hear All Our Prayers?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, God, Prayer, Q&A
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
Q: At any given moment there are millions of people praying to God. How is it possible for God to pay attention to my little, silent prayer amidst all the chatter? The reason you or…

Why Did Jesus Curse The Poor Fig Tree?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Jesus, New Testament, Q&A
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree? One of the strangest episodes recorded in the Gospels is Jesus cursing a fig tree because he was hungry and it didn’t have any figs (Mk 11:12-14; Mt…

Greg 1: Grim Reaper: 0. Ha Ha
Category: General
Hello bloggers, Well, I stared down the Grim Reaper, and won! Oh yeah! Greg 1: Grim Reaper: 0. Here’s the story. For the last several months I’ve been on track to become an anonymous kidney…

A Night With Mennonites and Jim Wallis
Category: General
Hello blogging friends, Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking at the bi-annual national meeting of the Mennonite Church USA in Columbus Ohio. I love this group and am always delighted and humbled to be…

NDY Will Rock the House for Haiti!
Category: General
F.Y.I., Not Dead Yet (the band I drum in — I’m the cute guy on the far left) will be playing this Friday (June 26th, 2009) at O’Gara’s in St. Paul, Minnesota. The dance/concert starts…

In the Middle of Infinity
Category: General
As a way of helping people experience the incomprehensible transcendence of God, I showed a clip from the IMAX mini-documentary “The Cosmic Voyage” in my sermon this last week. Starting with a circle one meter…

From Eternity to Here
Category: General
Hi bloggers, I’m sure some of you have read Frank Viola’s Pagan Christianity and Reimagining the Church. In the first work he shows how a great deal of the traditional model of the church is…

Thumbs Up to “Up”
Category: General
For my 52nd birthday I went to the animated movie Up with Shelley and a couple of friends. What a marvelous birthday present!! People, you HAVE to see this show (and in the theaters, not…

Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth”: A Review
Category: General
Tags: Book Reviews, Reviews
A New Earth, written by Eckhart Tolle, has become an overnight sensation thanks largely to Oprah’s enthusiastic endorsement. In fact, Oprah hosted a 10-week on-line course conducted by Tolle that included over two million students. …

The Littlest Hobo and an Old Friend
Category: General
All my life there’s been a haunting song that would pop into my head now and then. The lyrics went… Traveling around from town to town. Sometimes I think I’ll settle down. But I know…

More Killing for the American Jesus!
Category: General
I spent last week railing against The American Patriot’s Bible which, among other things, unwittingly depicts Jesus as your typical pagan tribal warrior god who happens to always side with America (because we are so…

Reflections on an Idolatrous Bible
Category: General
Beginning with my previous post I’m offering some reflections on the New American Patriot’s Bible (henceforth Patriot’s Bible). The Patriot’s Bible opens with several prefaces, one of which is an essay entitled A Call To…

The Patriot’s Bible and Justified Torture
I was supposed to get back to you on a third application of the infinite nature of God’s intelligence and love but I’ve had a lot on my plate this week. Among other things, I’ve…

Myth of a Christian Religion Endorsements and Reviews
Reviews: Imitating the life of Jesus isn’t solely about embracing his message of love, sacrifice and service, according to evangelical pastor Boyd. In his latest book, the author of The Myth of a Christian Nation…

The Significance of God’s Infinitude
Category: General
Someone e-mailed me a question the other day that might initially seem like a child’s question but that actually touches on an extremely important, but often overlooked, point. It concerns the significance of God’s infinitude….

More Good News: Only WHITE American Christianity Is Dying!
Category: General
Hello CVM Bloggers, I received quite a lot of interesting feedback on my last post addressing the demise of Christianity in America and claiming that this is not something Jesus-followers should weep over. One particularly…