Podcast: On Going Home
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Greg talks about a trip he took to one of the towns he lived in as a kid and shares some great memories and reflections.
Podcast: Will We Be Naked in Heaven?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Heaven
Special Post-Resurrection Fashion Episode! Greg talks about all the popular afterlife fashions.
Did the Father Suffer on the Cross?
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Love, Trinity
Topics: Attributes and Character
When I argue that the cross is a Trinitarian event (See post), some may suspect that I am espousing Patripassionism, which was a second and third century teaching that held that God the Father suffered…
Podcast: Can a Verse Ever Mean What the Original Author Never Intended It to Mean?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Hermeneutics
Greg talks about the theological interpretation of scripture in this rapid-paced, controversial episode.
The Cross as a Trinitarian Event
Category: General
Tags: Cross, Cruciform Theology, Jürgen Moltmann, Trinity
Topics: Attributes and Character, Trinity
On Calvary, the all-holy God fully identified with sinners, suffering the consequences of our sin as though he himself were guilty. While God is never culpable for the evil he allows, he nevertheless assumes responsibility…
Podcast: What is the Role of the Sermon in the Church?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Sermons
Welcome to “The Preacher’s Minute!” Greg talks about what he thinks the role (and the goal) of a sermon should be in a church.
Podcast: Is It God Withdrawing OR Is It a Scheme of Satan?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Evil, Is God to Blame?, Problem of Evil, Satan
Sometimes evil is attributed to God withdrawing. Sometimes it is attributed to a scheme of Satan. We are called to respond to each differently. So, must we be able to discern which is the case…
A Kingdom Not of This World
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Kingdom of God, Nationalism
In the previous post, I introduced how Jesus directly taught against the favored nation status of Israel, an theme that runs throughout his ministry. For example, Yahweh’s Sinai covenant with Israel was rooted in a…
Podcast: What Is a Christian and How Does a Person Become One?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Christian, Christianity
In the complexity of Christian theology, what is a Christian and how does a person become one? Greg attempts to clear away some of the complexity and diversity.
Jesus and the “Favored Nation”
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Jesus, Kingdom of God, Nationalism
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Nationalism lies at the heart of the Old Testament narrative. This concept is intimately wrapped up with the law-oriented covenant God made with the Israelites at Mount Sinai, for at the heart of this covenant…
Podcast: What About Bob Dylan?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Culture, Music, Pop Culture
Dan tries to expose Greg to some quality music.
Podcast: Isn’t God Withdrawing the SAME as Him Personally Punishing and Causing Violence?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cruciform Theology
Greg discusses whether the passivity of withdrawal is distinguishable from active punishment.
Reinterpreting the Law, Violence and Nationalism of the OT
Category: General
Tags: Law, Nationalism, Old Testament, OT Violence
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
The law of the OT was intended to serve a negative object lesson. This finds its clearest expression in Paul. To begin, Paul interpreted Jesus’ death on the cross largely in sacrificial and substitutionary terms….
Podcast: Did God Harden Pharaoh’s Heart?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: God's Sovereignty, God's Will
Greg discusses the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart — — —Spiritual Arteriosclerosis.
Podcast: How Do Recommend Sharing the Gospel with Muslims?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Islam
Greg discusses some helpful insights for interacting with Muslims.
The ReKnew Cross Vision Conference is Coming!
Category: General
Tags: Cross Vision, Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Upcoming Conference
Since its release in mid-April, Crucifixion of the Warrior God has helped a multitude of people fully embrace for the first time the beautiful God revealed in Jesus’ cross-centered life and ministry. It has helped…
Podcast: Is Yoga an Acceptable Christian Practice?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Pop Culture
Greg discusses the risks and benefits of many popular practices such as yoga and mindfulness.
When Repentance is No Longer Possible
Category: General
Tags: Forgiveness, Salvation
Topics: Death and Salvation
Verse: Hebrews 6:4-8
A concerned follower of ReKnew recently asked me to explain a puzzling passage, and since I am asked this question with some regularity, I thought I’d share with all of you. Here is the passage…
Podcast: If Paul Couldn’t Get HIS Thorn Removed, Why Should We Think OUR Prayers for Healing Will Be Answered?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Prayer
Greg considers why Paul was unable to get his thorn removed, and argues that we should not universalize Paul’s situation to all of ours.