Put on the Armor of God
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Kingdom Living, Prayer, Satan, Warfare Worldview
The whole of the Christian life is an act of war against the enemy as we follow Jesus in storming the gates of hell (See post.) No passage better illustrates this than Paul’s metaphor of…
Storming the Gates of Hell
Category: General
Tags: Christian Living, Church, Satan, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Jesus said: “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” (Mt 16:18) To understand Jesus’ teaching here, there are a few things you should know. First, “Hades” was…
Podcast: What is Molinism?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Molinism
Greg explains Molinism and offers brief critique.
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (10 of 10 )
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: End Times
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg discusses end times theology and the implications on one’s faith.
Jesus and Democracy
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: I’ve heard that the reason Jesus didn’t speak up on political issues was because he didn’t have the benefit of living in a democracy. Since we do, don’t we have a duty both to…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (9 of 10 )
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Annihilationism, Heaven and Hell, Hell
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg discusses annihilationism.
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (8 of 10 )
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Covenant, Penal Substitution View of Atonement, Salvation
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg discusses salvation, specifically whether Paul understands salvation in primarily legal terms versus covenantal terms.
The Holy Alternative
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Holiness, Jesus
Topics: Following Jesus
God is holy because he’s utterly “other” and distinct from anything in the created world. Certain objects are called holy because they’re set apart from common objects, having been consecrated to God for a special…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (7 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Atonement, Christus Victor, Crucifixion, Penal Substitution View of Atonement, Satan
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg discusses atonement and the shortcomings of penal substitution theology.
Christians & Politics: Where Do You Stand?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Living, National Idolatry, Politics, Power
In the 1980’s, Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson were leaders in the Moral Majority, a conservative evangelical social and political movement that attempted to rally “moral” people to change public policy. The movement died out…
The Problem with Trusting in Governments
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: National Idolatry, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
In this clip from a recent sermon, Greg discusses the fear that drives us to reject God as King and instead trust in human kings. This is particularly relevant as we approach the presidential election here in…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (6 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Future, Molinism, Open Future, Open Theism
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg denies Molinism and discusses the logic of possibility.
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (5 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inspiration
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Craig argues that Greg’s model of reading the bible through the lens of Jesus Christ is simply Greg’s way of rejecting the…
Do Not Fear
Category: General
Tags: Fear, Love, Politics, Religious Idolatry
We interrupt this election season to bring you the following reminder: [F]ear is a diabolic force. Its ultimate creator is Satan, and he uses it to keep us in bondage (Heb. 2:15). Throughout history, leaders…
The Politics of Jesus, Part 2
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Kingdom Living, Kingdom of God, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Even in the midst of politically-troubled times, we are called to preserve the radical uniqueness of the kingdom. This, after all, is what Jesus did as he engaged the first century world with a different…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (4 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Jesus' Divinity, Revelation
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg discusses what it means to say that Jesus is the full revelation of God.
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (3 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Belief, Life in Christ
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ In this episode Greg discusses getting life from Christ and not from “being right” about Christ.
The Politics of Jesus
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Love, Non-Violence, Politics, Power, Sacrifice
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Many are so conditioned by the mindset of the world that they can’t even envision an alternative way of affecting society and politics other than by playing the political game as it is done by…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (2 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Manifesto, Post-Christendom, ReKnew Manifesto
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“
What Power Do You Trust?
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of this World, Love, Non-Violence, Politics, Power, Upside-Down Kingdom
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Governments and nations have always relied on fighting to survive. They punish criminals who threaten their welfare. They go to war against enemies who attack their borders or stand in the way of their agenda….