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Benefit of the Doubt

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…nature of “faith.” Like most other contemporary Christians, I always assumed a person’s faith was a strong as they were free of doubt. What troubled me was that, on most matters, my faith had never been doubt free. Even worse, I couldn’t see why my faith should be free of…

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Is God All-Powerful?

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…creatures, I maintain, God necessarily surrendered a degree of His power. Or perhaps it is better to say God delegated some of His power. Our freedom is a little piece of “controlling power” lent us by God. In order to allow creatures to be free, then, God voluntarily gives us…

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Confronting Divine Determinism

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…how does human free will fit in with God’s plan? We can think of free will as our capacity to have “say-so” in the world. That is, by our free choices, God grants us a genuine “say” in what comes to pass. This “say-so” is our domain of responsibility. We…

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Escaping the Feeding Frenzy of “The Flesh”

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…of idolatrous living and begin to see that our core need for worth, significance and security can be gotten from Christ alone. To the extent that we dance in the Kingdom, we are free from idolatry. We are free not because we have enough will power to say “no” to…

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15 Reasons Open Theism is TRUE (a reply to Andrew Wilson)

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…best benefits that body. Again, love requires a free choice, but it doesn’t require every choice in life to be wholly free. As Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). When we freely choose to accept God’s…

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When Free Will Meets Unfathomable Evil

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…must be a world in which agents possess the free will to choose love or its opposite, for a coerced “love” isn’t a genuine love. And God can’t – not simply won’t – intervene to revoke this free agent’s ability to choose evil, not because God lacks the power to…

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Jesus was Not a [Socialist]

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search for “Jesus is a…” and you’ll discover that Jesus was a libertarian, a communist, a republican, a democrat, an anarchist, a baseball fan—I even found a picture of a KKK rally in Portland celebrating Jesus! Give me an argument for your political perspective, and I’ll listen. But as soon…

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The Center of the Bible

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Over the past few posts, we’ve been discussing various aspects of the Bible’s authority. We talked about the God-breathed nature of the book, reasons why we can trust it, and about what to do with aspects that look erroneous. In this post, let’s consider the point of the Scriptures. When…

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Introducing “TribeNet”

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…project is (finally!) complete and is now available online! Our hope is that this site, which we are calling TribeNet, will not only help kingdom people and communities begin to network together, but also that it would give all who share our kingdom vision a sense of belonging to a…

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The Centrality of Christ in Hebrews, Part 2

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The intensely Christocentric reading of the Old Testament that I introduced in the previous post is reflected throughout the book of Hebrews. Here I want to cite two more examples of how this writer saw Christ at the center of the OT. Hebrews 7 Here the author argues for the…

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Reviewing the Reviews: Derek Flood

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…if I have misunderstood him, I apologize. Yet, to be frank, it seems to me his rebuttal confirmed the appropriateness of including him in this category. For example, Derek discusses the portrait of God commanding the Israelites to slaughter all the inhabitants of Jericho once its walls fell down. “When…

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Part 13 (of 15)— Taking Responsibility (Part A)

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and harmful die, and resurrected himself” (155). One monumental by-product of Solzhenitsyn’s self-transformation was his book, The Gulag Archipelago, which is “a history of the Soviet prison camp system.” According to Peterson, this single work “demolished the intellectual credibility of communism.” Hence, he concludes: “One man’s decision to change his…

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God is Different Than You Think

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…Jesus’ many teachings that reverse common expectations about God. For example, few people in Jesus’ day would have expected God to “justify” a tax collector who was too ashamed to “even look up to heaven” (Lk 18:13) instead of the righteous Pharisee who fasted twice a week, gave a tenth…

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How To Seek Theological Truth

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…testimony of others whom we trust also play an important role in the formation of our beliefs, but these factors should complement rather than replace our rational assessment of truth claims. Suppose you’re in the market to buy a car. You go to a used-car dealer and find a car…

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2 Ways We Misinterpret God’s Promises

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…There are two basic interpretive mistakes people commit when they pull “promises of God” from the Bible. First, I’ve found that people who search Scripture for random promises tend to treat hyperbolic statements as though they were literal. This causes people to treat biblical principles as if they were magical…

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Eustace the Dragon at Groundswell Tomorrow

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…were right to leave that ship In search for men and keys   You and I will find If such a thing could ever be On the other side Of death   We’ll be like Peter Singing singing endlessly Singing singing endlessly While the kids are fast asleep   Your…

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Finding Christ Behind the “Letter” That Kills


…groups being addressed that is completely foreign to the original passage and that significantly alters its original meaning? Finding The “Voice” Behind the “Voice.” While on vacation with my family over this last week I read a fascinating new book addressing this question entitled The Hermeneutics of the Apostolic Proclamation…

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  . SantiMB . via Compfight Jamie Wright wrote this penetrating essay of encountering a woman in a moment of extremity and need. It’s a reminder of our great need for a sanctuary, a safe place to come when the world has gone mad and we have nowhere else to…

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Thinking Biblically?

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Olga Caprotti via Compfight Micah J. Murray over at Redemption Pictures posted this reflection called Beware of Thinking Biblically. The image of a google search on the topic is worth the price of admission. Christians throw around this phrase in some really damaging ways, as Rachel Held Evans demonstrated in…

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Do You Need to Starve a Little?

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Sarah (Rosenau) Korf via Compfight Here’s a challenging reflection on Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent by Kurt Willems. He notes that Lent is a season where we choose to starve ourselves of our little idols in order to join Jesus in the desert, and he lists several benefits…

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