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What’s your view of the tribulation period and the rapture?

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…triumphant jubilation. The imagery of the Lord coming in clouds was frequently used to speak of the Lord coming in glory and power (e.g., Ps. 68:4; Jer. 4:13; Dan. 7:13). What is more, if the passage is taken literally, it can hardly refer to an unnoticed coming. Paul says the…

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A New Book and a Dance Party to Celebrate It

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I am delighted to announce the soon-to-be-released first publication of ReKnew Publishing. It’s a rather quirky book that I wrote and then compiled with the help of some talented friends. It’s entitled, The Cosmic Dance: What Science Can Teach Us About the Nature of Time, Life, God & Humpty Dumpty….

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How do you respond to Bart Ehrman’s book, “Misquoting Jesus”?

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…seriously question whether we can trust that what we have today is a reasonably close approximation to the New Testament, we should distrust our copies of every ancient author. 5) Bart’s book makes “mountains out of mole hills” all over the place. For example, he makes a big deal over…

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Book Review: Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views

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  I just got the pre-release copy of Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views, edited by my friends James Beilby and Paul Eddy (IVP, 2012). The introduction alone is worth the price of the book! It is the clearest, most comprehensive, yet most succinct overview of the concept of spiritual warfare…

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Jesus Manifesto — A Marvelous Christocentric Book!


…In my opinion, nothing is more important than holding fast to this Christocentric principle. I’m convinced that at the foundation of all the nonsense that’s ever been incorporated into Christian theology over the centuries — and there has been a whole lot of nonsense! – you’ll find a compromised commitment…

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Where is Human Free Will in the Bible?

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The Bible is emphatic on its teaching that humans possess free will and are capable of originating evil. Notice, for example, that in the very first chapter of the Bible God commands humans to be fruitful and exercise dominion over the animal kingdom and the earth (Gen. 1:26). The fact…

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What Does God Foreknow About Human Free Will in Heaven? (podcast)


Greg talks infinity, necessity, and possibility. Episode 1131 __ __ __ __ __ __ Dan: Jason wants to know, How can God know all future events if the future has no end? How can God know what we will do in heaven if we have free will in heaven?…

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Unpacking Revelation: Is it Literal?

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and to do so even if it means that they will be martyred. And fourth, while a casual reading of Revelation gives the impression that it is reporting a series of spontaneous visions, it is important we understand that this book has actually been composed with great skill. Some scholars…

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God of Sense and Traditions of Non-Sense

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freedom. Tonstad does a great job demonstrating that the God of the Bible is a lover of freedom, for freedom is the premise of love, which is the ultimate goal of creation. For this reason, God governs the world not by coercion, but by means of loving influence. This was…

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Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity


…hard to accept, but my powerful experience with God combined with what seemed at the time to be compelling biblical arguments forced me to accept this perspective. Before too long, however, my compulsive reading of theology and my own studying of the Bible led me to reject the doctrines of…

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What a reading-addicted pathetic egghead reads


…out in, but I really liked this book. It was clever, funny, but most of all insightful. The dude has the vision of the Kingdom. I love it. But the book nothing much to say on either Velvet or Elvis. On the plane way BACK from Michigan I read a…

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Boyd and Heiser Dialogue On The Nephilim Question


…interaction. I wish him the best with his book and encourage those interested in this topic to be looking for it. Okay, that’s it for the Nephilim issue, but not for the broader Jesus Versus Jehovah issue. (I’m thinking about writing a book with that title. Catchy, heh?) Peace Greg…

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The Politics of Jesus

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…Calvary-like love. As such, this community strives for justice not by conquering but by being willing to suffer. How socially and politically revolutionary it would be if we put our trust in Jesus’ politics instead of the politics of this world! Photo credit: Funky64 ( via / CC BY-NC-ND…

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Podcast: What About Guns?

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Greg shoots straight in this controversial episode on guns. He also tells the tale of the time he shot the German Luger. Also, Dan corrupts the youth (as per typical). Image from

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A Dialogue with Derek Flood Part 2: Is ALL of the Bible Inspired?

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Image by TheRevSteve via Flickr Yesterday, I offered the first part of my response to Flood’s comments regarding my review of his book. Today I’ll finish up my thoughts. Scripture and Its Interpretation Flood confesses that he is confused as to how I can claim that “in the light of…

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Why Do Some Prayers Go Unanswered?

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…isn’t the reality a little more complicated than that? Why does one prayer get answered and another is not? Is God’s will the only factor? In Greg’s book Is God to Blame? he lays out nine variables that influence or affect outcomes to prayer. There is no way to include…

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Molinism and Open Theism – Part I

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…to try to keep these posts as free of philosophical jargon as possible! What is Molinism? Molinism is the view that, from all eternity, God knew not only what every free agent will do in the future, but also what they would do in any other possible circumstance God could…

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A ReKnew Manifesto


…what comes to pass. We can either use that “say-so” to further God’s purposes, or to resist them. As such, we believe all evil is the result of the misuse of created free wills, whether human or angelic. In place of the “blueprint worldview,” therefore, we advocate a “warfare worldview”…

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Responding to Von Balthasar on the Trinity and Suffering

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…that coming across this essay feels sort of providential, for only two days ago I finished a section in my forthcoming book, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God, in which I flesh out my view of God’s eternal, triune love as self-emptying, and my thoughts are almost completely in line…

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What is your perspective on the classical view that God is above time?

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…with timelessness is compounded further if we grant that God not only acts in time, but that God acts freely—viz. God possesses self-determination. (I don’t know any Christian theists who deny that God is free). Self-determining freedom entails a sequence of events in which an agent transitions several possible courses…

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