Adam and Eve
What’s so Wrong About Knowledge of Good and Evil? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Adam and Eve, Evil, Knowledge, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Greg goes deep, Dan pushes back. Hold on to your notebooks! Episode 514
Podcast: Why Was Satan Allowed Into the Garden to Begin With?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Adam and Eve, Evil, Natural Evil, Problem of Evil, Satan, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Greg considers why Satan was allowed into the Garden.
The Ultimate Goal of Life & What Stands in the Way of It
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, Identity in Christ, Judgment, Shame
What is the point of it all? What is the highest good? What is the point of life? Greg addresses these huge question in this sermon clip, where he introduces the idea of the beautific…
The Flesh: 4 Things to Know
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Life, Shame, Sin
The New Testament contrasts “life in the Spirit” with “life in the flesh” (see Gal 5:16-20). In some translations, the word for “flesh” (sarx, in the Greek) is translated as “sinful nature” as if one’s…
Were the Consequences for Adam & Eve’s Choice Fair?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Adam and Eve, Spiritual Warfare, The Fall
In this episode Greg ponders Adam and Eve’s choice and the enormous consequences of that seeming arbitrary decision. Links: Greg’s book: “God at War“
Sinful Nature and Free Will
Category: Q&A
Tags: Adam and Eve, Free Will, Sin, Sinful Nature
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will, Sin
Q: If our sinful nature is what causes us to sin/reject God, can we be held responsible for our sins, when this nature resulted from Adam and Eve’s sin? Do we really have the freedom…
Sermon Clip: That, Not How
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Adam and Eve, Creation, Literalism
The Genesis 1 creation story has always left people with questions. The main one being: Is Genesis 1 a literal story of how God created our universe? In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd talks about…
Trying to Acquire What You Already Have
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Character of God, Contentment, Judgment, Lies
Topics: Following Jesus
Image by Joshua Earle The lies Satan told to Eve in the garden made eating from the forbidden tree (the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) look desirable. On the one hand, the lies caused…

Judgment and Idolatry
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Idolatry, Judgment, Love, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Topics: Following Jesus
Why was the forbidden tree in the center of the garden called The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Since the Bible depicts eating from this tree as the reason humans are estranged…

Why Are We So Mired in Violence?
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Flood, Love, Relationships, Trinity, Violence
Topics: The Problem of Evil
In his marvelous little book entitled The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis envisioned hell as a realm in which people are forever moving farther away from one another. Hell is the ultimate, cosmic, suburban sprawl!…

Imaging God Wrongly: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 2
Category: Essays
Tags: Adam and Eve, Character of God, Essay, Idolatry, Imaginative Prayer, Picture of God, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Topics: Christology
Our relationship with God depends on the way we imagine God. When we get the image of God right, the doors open for us to trust and relate to God in the ways we were…

Sermon Clip: The Cross and the Tree
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Judgement, Love, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses how Christians should react to the world with love. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were tempted to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge…
When Our Images of God are Faulty
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Imagination, Picture of God, ReKnew
I’m fleshing out the third proclamation of the ReKnew Manifesto, which challenges us to rethink our conception of God. In the previous post I noted that, since our relationship with God is mediated through our…