Why Christ, not Scripture, is Our Ultimate Foundation
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Cruciform Theology, Doubt, Scripture
Topics: The Church, Theological Method
In a previous blog I argued that all our theological reflection must not only be Christ-centered, it must, most specifically, be cross-centered. I now want to begin to unpack some of the most important implications of…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (3 of 10)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Belief, Life in Christ
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ In this episode Greg discusses getting life from Christ and not from “being right” about Christ.
False Gods in the Church
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Religious Idolatry
We often think of an idol as a statue, but an idol can be anything we use to meet the needs that only God can meet. In other words, a false god. There is no…
Paul Teaches Free Will, Not Determinism: Romans 9, Part 3
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Determinism, Faith, Free Will, Mercy
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Verse: Romans 9
In this series of posts, I am challenging the deterministic reading of Romans 9, which interprets Paul’s teaching as saying that God chooses some to be saved and others to be damned. There are six arguments…
Read This Before You Drop the H-Bomb (“Heretic”) on a Fellow Christian
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Frank Viola, Heresy, Orthodoxy, Unity
Topics: Following Jesus
Image by yhoitink via Flickr Greg co-wrote the following article on heresy with Frank Viola for BeliefNet. Check it out! “Heretic.” It’s a favorite word that many Christians have no problem dropping on the heads of their fellow…

Lighten Up: Believing in Believing
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
OK, we don’t really think this is the difference between theology and philosophy, but how does this guy not get that not believing in believing is, itself, a belief?

Lighten Up: You Gotta Believe In Something, Man!
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Atheism, Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
Two things here: 1) How does this philosopher not see that “not believing in believing” is itself a belief? 2) Is that a turtleneck or is that philosopher just really hairy?

Believing Is Not Enough
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Present Perfect, Salvation
One of the core elements of evangelical church life is the conversion experience. From old-time revivals, to seeker-sensitive church services, to post-modern outreach strategies, evangelicals have placed a very high emphasis on the point of…

Dallas Willard on Doubt and Belief
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Dallas Willard, Doubt, Fellowship One of our Facebook friends pointed out this video to us (Thanks Lukasz!) The comments in this interview on the benefits of fellowship when it comes to doubt and belief are excellent. We’re really…
Why Isn’t God More Clear?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Belief, Faith, God, Hearing God, Knowledge, Prayer, Video Q&A
Topics: Attributes and Character, Hearing God, Prayer
Ever wonder why God isn’t more clear and obvious? Here’s Greg’s take on that question.

Generous Grace
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Church, Grace, Mark McIntyre, Sin
Michelle Brea via Compfight Mark McIntyre wrote a piece on his blog called Selective Grace that highlights the ways in which the church tends to more easily demonstrate grace with some than with others. It’s…
Changing Beliefs
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Change, Curiosity, Doubt, Faith, Mercy, Q&A, Sojourners, Stephen Mattson
Stephen Mattson is a follower of ReKnew and a member of Woodland Hills Church who posted a piece on Sojourners titled Christians: It’s NOT a Sin to Change Your Beliefs. He points out that doubt and…
Video Q&A: Do you think Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are saved?
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Belief, Eternity, Faith, Heaven, Humility, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus, Love of God, Mormonism, Q&A, Salvation, Video Q&A
Topics: Death and Salvation
Does Greg believe that everyone goes to Heaven regardless of their beliefs? Find out here.

Peter Enns Doesn’t Believe in God
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Peter Enns, Trust
R’eyes via Compfight Peter Enns is the master at creating blog titles that are both clever and provocative. The other day he wrote a post that he entitled Why I Don’t Believe in God Anymore. As…

A Rational Defense of Belief in God
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Evolution, Faith, Naturalism, Philosophy, Science
The New York Times recently posted a review of Alvin Plantinga’s book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. In it, Plantinga argues on philosophical grounds that, among other things, theism is not in conflict with science,…
Does Analytic Thinking Make You Less Religious?
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Science
Andrew Aghapour wrote an article that was posted in Religion Dispatches questioning the findings of studies that concluded that analytical thinking negatively affects religious belief. In the article, Does Analytic Thinking Erodes Religious Belief? Aghapour…